Printable Tools and Activities
- 2018 Elevate SEL video sessions
- 2019 Elevate SEL video sessions
- Alignments
- Audio Series
- CD Games
- Conscious Discipline with Excellence
- Elevate SEL Video Sessions
- Implementation and Staff Development
- Leadership Resources
- Make-N-Takes
- Printable Tools and Activities
- Progress Assessment Rubrics
- RTI and Conscious Discipline
- School Family Songs and Chants
- Shubert's Extension Activities
- Spanish Resources
- Staff Resources
- Twinkle Twinkle
- We Care Cards
ABC’s for Parents of Little Ones
As parents, we want to support our little ones during tough times. However, adults can’t help children navigate upset and reach a calm state unless we are composed ourselves. This printable resource provides a three-step process for calming yourself and providing the safety your children need. With these tips, you’ll be a more present and […]
Adult Weekly Commitment Calendar
Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor Sue Dierks uses a weekly commitment calendar to set her intention, which organizes energy and directs focus. Each day, Sue writes out a daily commitment that includes a way to be of service to others, a way to be of service to herself, and something she is grateful for. Using this […]
Anda cu Miedo (Papiamento)
This two-page printable helps children recognize and accept their fears related to COVID-19, then choose calming activities. Children will learn actionable steps that they can take to calm themselves in moments of fear or anxiety. This resource was translated into Papiamento by Conscious Discipline International Instructor Carla Briezen. Papiamento is the most widely spoken language […]
At Home Brain Breaks and Active Calming
Brain breaks are short mental breaks taken throughout a lesson or academic activity. They help children remain calm, focused and engaged, and they’ve been shown to reduce stress. With schools closed in response to COVID-19, this guide shows you how to implement effective brain breaks at home. As you read through this guide by Conscious […]
At Home Morning Meetings
Morning meetings set the tone for a successful day with connection, collaboration and an emphasis on social and emotional learning (SEL) skills. Morning meetings usually take place at school. But with schools closed in response to COVID-19, this guide shows you how to lead successful morning meetings at home—with a helpful Conscious Discipline twist. As […]
Brain Smart Start Guide: Free Download for Educators & Parents
Dr. Bailey’s Conscious Discipline Brain Smart Start consists of four activities designed to get children and adults in the optimal brain state for learning and problem-solving. These components include an activity to Unite, an activity to Disengage Stress, an activity to Connect and an activity to Commit. In this guide “A Brain Smart Start for […]
Breathing S.T.A.R.
Invite children to “Breathe with me…” and practice the S.T.A.R. active calming technique with this cute and easy to assemble breathing tool made from a file folder! This download includes templates and instructions to make a star with a mouth you can move as you breathe. Age Ages 2 (with help) and up Helps with […]
Calendario de Conexiones Cariñosas
Los vínculos auténticos proveen un amortiguador que suaviza los efectos negativos de situaciones estresantes. Conforme usted y su familia enfrentan los cambios de la vida y la ansiedad causada por COVID-19, implemente actividades de este Calendario de Conexiones Cariñosas para disfrutar de momentos restauradores de conexión, belleza y alegría. Creado por la Instructora Master Kim […]
Caring Connections Calendar
Authentic connection provides a buffer that softens the negative effects of stressful situations. As you and your family cope with the life changes and anxiety caused by COVID-19, use activities from this Caring Connections Calendar to enjoy restorative moments of bonding, beauty and joy. Created by Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor Kim Hughes, the Caring Connections […]
Choice Tools for Managing Complex Schedules
Sometimes children feel overwhelmed or frustrated by a full daily schedule. They may also struggle to complete a dreaded task (like schoolwork or chores) or find it challenging to wait for a favorite activity. Educator and coach Katie Ahearn created two tools to help children navigate these common scheduling challenges. These tools, a Home Schedule […]
Classroom Behavior Chart
The School Family Classroom Behavior Chart encourages lasting behavioral change by helping children choose acceptable behaviors instead of relying on a progression of prescriptive consequences. This download includes a full-color behavior chart and brief instructions for using it. Age All ages Helps with Classroom management Safekeeper job description Self-regulation Intrinsic motivation emotional intelligence Social-emotional learning […]
Commitments Check-up
Making a commitment increases the chance of following through while also increasing self-regulation and confidence. Invite children to self-monitor their commitments with this helpful visual aid. This download includes a student visual and instructions for use. Age Ages 4 and older Helps with Goal-achievement Commitment Brain Smart Start Self-regulation Intrinsic motivation Responsibility Use Classroom Home […]
Compromiso Familiar Diario
La Instructora Certificada en Conscious Discipline Sue Dierks utiliza un calendario de compromisos para fijar su intención, lo que organiza su energía y dirige su atención. Cada día, Sue escribe su compromiso del día que incluye una manera de servir a otros, una manera de ayudarse a sí misma y algo por lo que se […]
Coronavirus Is a Big Word: A Printable Story
In the wake of COVID-19, our normal way of life and our usual routines have been turned upside down. For children, these abrupt changes are especially confusing and scary, and so is the idea of a mysterious virus. Providing age-appropriate information soothes anxiety, and this simple story gives you the words to use. Developed by […]
Executive Skill Lending Library
Children’s challenging behavior communicates to adults that the child does not feel safe, does not feel connected, and/or needs help with a missing or emerging executive skill: attention, time management, organization, prioritization, working memory, impulse control/emotional regulation, flexibility, empathy, metacognition, goal persistence/achievement and task initiation. The Executive Skill Lending Library provides examples of specific ways […]
Executive Skill Lending Library for Infants and Toddlers
Research shows that the rate of executive skill development increases significantly from birth to three years of age, and advances even more dramatically from three to five years of age. The rate of development slows significantly after age six, but continues steadily through age 25. The rapid rate of development during early childhood provides a […]
Family Cell Phone Agreement and Cell Phone Parking Lot
Cell phones sometimes distract us from connections and face-to-face conversations with our family members. Connection is a key component of behavior, willingness, emotional health, and even optimal brain development. Naturally, limiting this resource results in problems for our families and our society. Emphasize connection during mealtimes, family nights and other special family times by using […]
Feeling Faces: Happy, Sad, Angry, Scared
Name it so you can tame it! Use these images to help children identify the four core emotions of Happy, Sad, Angry and Scared. This download includes one letter-sized color print for each of the core Feeling Buddies. Age Ages 2 and older Helps with Self-regulation Emotional awareness Fussing and fits Self-control Emotional intelligence Social-emotional […]
Five Steps to Baby Doll Circle Time
Delight the children in your care with Baby Doll Circle Time and provide them with the brain-building, cooperation-building connection they require for optimal development. This download includes a brief explanation and a single page summary of the Baby Doll Circle Time steps. Age Ages 0-3 Helps with Connection Attunement Self-regulation Separation anxiety Calming Cooperation One-on-one […]
Five Steps to Self-Regulation Icons
Self-regulation is essential for social, emotional, academic and life success. Help coach children in the five-step process with these icons for I Am, I Calm, I Feel, I Choose and I Solve. This download includes a brief explanation and a single page listing of the five steps. Age Ages 4 and up Helps with Self-regulation […]
Four Elements of Connection
All learning begins with connection! Connections on the outside (with other people) actually create and strengthen neural connections within the brain. This download is an illustrated single page summary of the four elements of connection. Age All ages Helps with Connection Attunement Self-regulation Cooperation One-on-one time Social play Reducing power struggles Use Classroom Home Parent […]
Guía de un Inicio Brillante Para el Cerebro
El Inicio del Cerebro Inteligente de Conscious Discipline de la Dra. Bailey consiste en cuatro actividades diseñadas para llevar a niños y adultos al estado óptimo del cerebro para el aprendizaje y la resolución de problemas. Estos componentes incluyen una actividad para Unir, una actividad para Liberar el Estrés, una actividad para Conectar y una […]
Handwashing Songs
Proper handwashing is one of the simplest and most important ways to keep ourselves, our families and our communities safe during the COVID-19 outbreak. This printable resource includes lyrics and directions for songs children can sing while washing their hands. Age 1 and up Helps with Proper handwashing for health and safety Use Songs children […]
Handwashing Visual Procedures (English and Spanish)
Handwashing is one of the simplest and most important ways to keep ourselves, our families and our communities safe during the COVID-19 outbreak. Available in both English and Spanish, this printable resource provides step-by-step visual instructions for proper, effective handwashing. Age 2 and up Helps with Proper handwashing for health and safety Use Visual reminder […]
Hitting Book
Do you have or work with children who express anger through hitting? These children aren’t “bad;” they just need to learn a better way to manage their anger. That’s where this book comes in! It teaches children socially acceptable alternatives to get their needs met. Pages at the end of the book also teach adults […]
Horario Visual Diario
Un horario visual diario ayuda a ofrecer seguridad mediante un patron predecible que se exhibe en un lugar de fácil acceso. En estos momentos de incertidumbre es especialmente importante ofrecer seguridad. Los adultos piensan en palabras pero los niños piensan en imágenes. Usar imágenes para mostrarles qué viene después ofrece la consistencia que necesita el […]
How Do You Feel Chart
Name it so you can tame it! Use this chart that depicts all eight Feeling Buddies to help children identify their emotions. This download includes one letter-sized chart that shows the entire Feeling Buddy family. Age Ages 3 and older Helps with Self-regulation Emotional awareness Fussing and fits Self-control Emotional intelligence Social-emotional learning Use Classroom […]
I Am So Loved: A COVID-19 Story for Children from Loved Ones
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are sheltering in place with their immediate families. This means socially distancing from other loved ones, including friends and some family members. For children, separation from loved ones can be difficult, especially for younger children who may not understand COVID-19 precautions. “I Am So Loved” by Certified […]
I Can Handle – Scared (English)
It can be difficult for children to handle big emotions like fear. They may experience loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, or headaches. When children feel scared, use this class-made book to help them manage their fear. This book teaches strategies that allow children to calm and feel safe. Age 3 (with help) and up Helps […]
I Can Handle Scared – Crisis Events
This printable book helps children manage scared feelings when a crisis event happens. Events like shootings, fires, tornadoes and war can trigger feelings of fear, regardless of whether they happen close by or far away. Families can use this book in the home, while educators can use this class-made book in school as well as […]
I Love My Grandparent
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are quarantining with their immediate families. This means socially distancing from other loved ones, often including grandparents. For children, this period of extended separation can generate big emotions like sadness, anger, fear and anxiety. We can help soothe these feelings through calm, reassuring empathy and age-appropriate information. […]
I Love You Rituals Teddy Bear Activity Board
Create an I Love You Rituals Teddy Bear Activity Board to connect with your children and help them develop decision-making skills. This download includes colorful illustrations for twelve specific I Love You Rituals, plus instructions for making a teddy bear activity board. Age Ages 0-8 Helps with Connection Cooperation Decision-making Social play Use Home Classroom […]
Kindness Tree Graphing Activities
The Kindness Tree helps celebrate and encourage kind and helpful acts in the classroom or home. Like all Conscious Discipline structures, it can be integrated into academics to make learning more meaningful. Use these weekly and monthly graphing printables to record and analyze your kindness results over time. Includes a color-the-heart weekly graph for younger […]
Kindness Tree Structure Plan
Plan your classroom Kindness Tree with this helpful guide to spur your thinking. This download includes one worksheet-style printable. Age Ages 1 and older Helps with Kindness Noticing School Family Connection Cooperation Use Classroom Staff training Format One letter-sized, single-sided, color printout Materials Color printout Related Free Resources Classroom Behavior Chart Commitment Checkup Safekeeping Ritual […]
Learning Routines for Children
Establishing a set learning routine provides predictability and brain breaks that help increase focus and engagement. This template and accompanying sample routines will help you plan your daily learning routine. You and your child will experience less stress, more success and a love of learning! Age 4 and older Helps with Offering structure and safety […]
Managing “Scared” During COVID-19
As we continue to grapple with COVID-19, it’s natural for children (and adults) to feel scared. Both the virus itself and the resulting disruption to routine are frightening. Use this two-page printable to help children get in touch with their fears and choose helpful calming activities. Children will learn that when they feel scared, there […]
Masks & Gloves: A Printable Story
To prevent the spread of COVID-19, many people are wearing masks and gloves. This is increasingly true in light of the CDC’s recent recommendation that individuals wear masks in public. For children, this can be both confusing and scary. This printable story helps you answer questions and soothe anxiety related to masks and gloves. Written […]
Memory Game: Breathing Choices
Conscious Discipline’s four core Safe Place breathing techniques shut off the body’s “fight or flight response,” allowing children and adults to calm themselves and choose effective responses to conflict and upset. Of course, Ample practice in the Safe Place and throughout the day is required for these techniques to become second nature. With the Memory […]
Mi Libro: Yo puedo con mi miedo
Handling big emotions like fear is challenging for many children (and sometimes adults). They may experience loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, or headaches. When children feel scared, use this class-made book to help them manage their fear. This book teaches strategies that allow children to calm and feel safe. This book is for children who […]
My Family Safekeeper Ritual Plan
Safety is a fundamental need. Without safety, we can’t reach the optimal brain state for learning and problem-solving. In Conscious Discipline, we say that adults are Safekeepers. Our job is to keep the home or classroom safe. But what does it mean to be a Safekeeper during these challenging times? This printable resource from Certified […]
My Parent is a Safekeeper: A Printable Story
As we work together to minimize the spread of COVID-19, we face many new circumstances and challenges. In some homes, Mom or Dad is a healthcare worker who is staying away from family to avoid potentially exposing loved ones to the virus. Developed by Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor Abbi Kruse, this story gives you the […]
My Plan for Next Time Activity
We all make mistakes and have OOPS moments, or moments that we’d like to rewind and handle differently. The My Plan for Next Time Activity gives children the opportunity to learn from mistakes rather than feeling bad about them. Age 5 and up Helps with Learning from mistakes Use Providing children with the opportunity to […]
My School Family Memories: A Student-Made Book
Every end of the year is a time of transition for students. Parents and educators can help children work through their feelings by providing opportunities for them to process, remember, celebrate and bring closure to the year in positive ways. The My School Family Memories student-made book provides a simple template students can use to […]
Navigating Lockdowns
Although many schools require lockdowns as a safety measure, they often trigger anxiety and even trauma for students. Children who are regularly exposed to frightening circumstances may experience depression, poor sleep, ongoing anxiety and worsening academic performance. As educators, how can we prepare children for a life or death scenario and optimal learning at the […]
Nuestro Día ha Terminado
Es importante terminar el día con conexión y reflexión, especialmente durante estos tiempos de estrés e incertidumbre. Esta guía te lleva por diferentes actividades que traerán a tu día a un final en un tono positivo y relajado. En esta guía “Nuestro Día ha Terminado” escrito por Lety Valero, Instructora Máster de Conscious Discipline, aprenderás […]
OOPS! Helpful or Hurtful Activity (GROUP)
In the Conscious Discipline School Family, both students and adults commit to being safe and helpful. For children, it is important to discuss exactly how to practice safety and helpfulness at school. With this OOPS! Helpful or Hurtful Activity (GROUP), you’ll prompt elementary students to reflect on the difference between helpful and hurtful actions, then […]
OOPS! Helpful or Hurtful Activity (INDIVIDUAL)
In the Conscious Discipline School Family, both students and adults commit to being safe and helpful. For children, it is important to discuss exactly how to practice safety and helpfulness at school. If you have not thoroughly discussed safety and helpfulness with your students, or if many students are struggling with being safe and helpful, […]
Our Day Has Come to an End
It’s important to end the day with connection and reflection, especially during times of uncertainty and stress. This guide walks you through several activities that bring your day to a soothing and positive close. In this guide “Our Day Has Come to an End” by Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor Lety Valero, you’ll learn more about […]
Posters Sensoriales para el Lugar Seguro
Equipar el Lugar Seguro con diferentes objetos que satisfagan una variedad de necesidades sensoriales es esencial para el éxito de esta estructura. Puede leer más respecto a crear un Lugar Seguro en los libros de la Dra. Bailey de Conscious Discipline y Creating the School Family. Este set incluye cinco posters: Niños con necesidades especiales Sentido del Olfato Sentido […]
Potty Routine Visuals for Potty Mastery: A Child-Centered Approach to Toileting
Exclusive resource for Potty Mastery: A Child-Centered Approach to Toileting book purchasers! Support potty learning, as explained in the Potty Mastery book, with these easy-to-use visual routines. Visual routines show children exactly what to do in a way that is easy for their brains to process. Independent toileting requires a lot of steps! Visually representing […]
Putting Myself Together Class-Made Book
Everyone falls apart sometimes. Help children put themselves back together with this reproducible template for a class-made book. This download includes instructions, an illustrated book cover and a reproducible interior page for making a “Putting Myself Together” class book. Age Ages 5 and older Helps with Self-regulation Composure Emotional regulation Active calming Fussing and fits […]
Rage Book
Do you have or work with children who experience the “yucky feeling” we call rage? These children aren’t “bad;” they just need to learn a better way to manage this big emotion. That’s where this book comes in! Children will learn to recognize the signs that rage is coming and create a step-by-step plan to […]
Safe Place Breathing Icons for Classroom and Home
The first step in any discipline encounter is to take a deep, calming breath. Three deep breaths shut off the fight or flight response in the body. This download includes instructions and illustrations for the S.T.A.R., Drain, Balloon and Pretzel active calming techniques in three different sizes. Age All ages Helps with Self-regulation Active calming […]
Safe Place Sensory Support Signs
Equipping your Safe Place with supplies that meet a variety of sensory needs is essential to its usefulness. This download includes posters that provide helpful tips for incorporating supplies that are helpful for engaging sight, sound, smell, touch and those with special needs. Age All ages Helps with Self-regulation Active calming Deep breathing Special needs […]
Safekeeper Ritual Plan
Plan your classroom Safekeeper Ritual with this helpful guide to spur your thinking. This download includes one worksheet-style printable. Age All ages Helps with Safety job description School Family Connection Cooperation Commitment Composure Brain Smart Start Use Classroom Staff training Format One letter-sized, single-sided, color printout Materials Color printout Related Free Resources Classroom Behavior Chart […]
Schedule Di Dia (Papiamento)
As we navigate COVID-19 and the changes it has brought, self-regulation and a felt sense of safety become more important than ever. These resources will help you manage stress and create structure during these challenging times. This resource is written in Papiamento, the most-widely spoken language on the Caribbean ABC Islands. Age Adult Helps with […]
School Drop-off Letter
Transitions can be challenging for children and saying goodbye at drop-off can be particularly hard! This send-home letter from Conscious Discipline and The Playing Field models a helpful way to communicate your Conscious Discipline-based routine for drop-off. Age 3 and up Helps With Morning routine Setting the tone for a successful day Connecting Use A […]
Shubert and Sophie Stay Home
Like other children around the world, Shubert and Sophie are currently staying home. They’re helping keep their community safe by sheltering in place with their family. Although it feels like a vacation at first, Shubert and Sophie (and mom and dad) gradually begin to feel grumpy. They miss friends, field trips and soccer games. In […]
Shubert y Sophie se Quedan en Casa
Como otros niños alrededor del mundo, Shubert y Sophie están quedándose en casa. Están ayudando a su comunidad a estar seguros al resguardarse en casa con su familia. Aunque se siente como vacaciones en primera instancia, Shubert y Sophie (y mamá y papá) gradualmente comienzan a sentirse malhumorados. Extrañan a sus amigos, las excursiones y […]
Shubert y Sophie ta Keda Cas Pa (Papiamento)
Manera di otro muchanan di tur e mundu, Haber i Copia ta awor keda den kas. Nan ta yuda ku mantené su komunidat seif na refugio na e lugá ku bo famia. Ounke ta sinti manera un hür di accijns den promé, Haber i Copia (i mama i tawela), chikitu di poko cuminsa na entre […]
Shubert’s Heart-Shaped Glasses
Create heart-shaped glasses to help children practice positive intent (seeing the best in others) as they read Shubert Sees the Best. This download include brief instructions and a template for child-sized heart glasses. Age Ages 3 and older Helps with Positive intent School Family Unity Cooperation Inclusion Social-emotional learning Anti-bullying Helpfulness Use Classroom Parent night Staff […]
Social Skills for Siblings: Asking for a Turn
Siblings have unique and complex relationships. We can help them navigate these relationships by teaching them helpful social skills. This “Asking for a Turn” story provides specific procedures and visual reminders for the processes of getting someone’s attention and asking for a turn. It also provides positive choices for what to do when a sibling […]
Social Skills for Siblings: Asking to Play
Siblings have unique and complex relationships. We can help them navigate these relationships by teaching them helpful social skills. This “Asking to Play” story provides specific procedures and visual reminders for the processes of getting someone’s attention and asking to play together. It also provides positive choices for what to do when a sibling says, […]
Stop and Go Door Signs for Adults
Learning to respect others’ boundaries is important for peace and productivity when one or more adults are working from home. The STOP and GO signs included here will help children (and other adults) respect your boundaries while you are working in the home. This resource also includes a Conversation Starter that encourages cooperation and teaches […]
Stop and Go Door Signs for Siblings
Learning to respect the boundaries of others, including siblings, is important for peace in the home. Younger siblings want to be around their older siblings frequently, yet older siblings sometimes need their own space. Adults in the home can help older siblings respectfully set “time for themselves” boundaries and help younger siblings honor these boundaries […]
Story Hand
A Story Hand is a gentle hand massage accompanied by a personalized social story that helps a child deal with stress or anxiety. The story you tell will reflect a specific, personalized experience or concern for the child. This download contains a simple illustration that shows how to do a Story Hand. Age Ages 1 […]
Take 2! Activity
We all make mistakes and have OOPS moments, or moments that we’d like to rewind and handle differently. The TAKE 2! Activity gives older children and adults the opportunity to learn from mistakes rather than feeling bad about them. Instead of dwelling on what went wrong, “rewrite the script” and create a plan for what […]
The Task of the Mask
Per the recommendations of U.S. health officials, many people are wearing masks in public. For children, this precaution can look strange and feel scary. “The Task of the Mask” uses upbeat, reassuring language to address children’s concerns and explain why people are wearing masks. Written by educator and parent coach Joan Morgenstern of Senders Pediatrics […]
Traditional Discipline vs Conscious Discipline Poster
Post and share this visual summary of the differences between a traditional system of punishment and the Brain Smart consequences employed by Conscious Discipline. This download provides a clear reminder of traditional discipline vs. Conscious Discipline to help adults shift how they perceive and respond to children’s behavior. Age All ages Helps with Consequences Classroom […]
Traveling Shubert
Are you looking for a fun way to share the powers and skills of Conscious Discipline with your students’ families? Traveling Shubert is here to help! This Free Resource was inspired by an episode of Real Talk with Real Teachers with special guest Celeste Finnegan. Along with a journal, she sends Traveling Shubert home with […]
Visual Daily Schedule
A visual daily schedule helps create a sense of safety by providing a predictable pattern and displaying it in an easily accessible way. In this atmosphere of uncertainty, fostering safety through predictability is especially important. Adults think in words; however, children think in pictures. Using pictures to show children what comes next provides the consistency […]
Visual Safety Reminders for COVID-19
It’s natural for children to have many questions about COVID-19, the life changes it has brought, and when life will return to normal. When these questions are future-focused (e.g. “What if…”), they are typically rooted in anxiety and big feelings. It’s critical to respond to these questions by first offering empathy, then providing usable information […]
Visual Shopping Plan
When it comes to a child’s meltdowns in a store, the most effective remedy is what you do BEFORE you arrive at the store. Using the pages in this document, make a visual shopping plan and teach it prior to your next visit to the grocery store. Children think in pictures, so a predictable visual […]
We Will Remember You: A Teacher-Made Book
Every end of the year is a time of transition for students. Meaningful end-of-year rituals are essential for helping students feel a sense of connection, celebration, remembrance and closure this year. The We Will Remember You teacher-made book provides a simple template to memorialize the year by sharing images and remembrances in book-form. The template […]
What Does Social Distancing Look Like?
Young children’s brains encode information in pictures, so visual representations of complex concepts are helpful. This resource by Certified Instructor Kim Hughes gives you a simple way to show children what social distancing should look like. The better children understand, the more you and your family can contribute to keeping yourselves and the community healthy […]
When I Feel Bug Crazy Class-Made Book
Help children handle big emotions with this class-made book that works as an ideal companion project for Shubert Rants and Raves. This download includes instructions, an illustrated book cover and a reproducible interior page for making a “When I Feel Bug Crazy” class book. Age Ages 5 and older Helps with Self-regulation Composure Emotional regulation […]
When People Get the New Coronavirus: A Printable Story
It’s common for children to worry about the new coronavirus and what will happen if a loved one gets COVID-19. Or perhaps you now have a family member or friend with the virus, prompting questions and concern from your child. This printable story provides age appropriate information about what happens when people get the coronavirus. […]
When We All Come Together Again: A Printable Story
Changes to routine can feel unsafe and scary to children, as many families have experienced firsthand as they make changes due to COVID-19. As some states begin to gradually reopen, children will experience shifts in routine once again. They may also be distressed by the fact that even when we come together again, life remains […]
Why Can’t We Have Our Home Visits?: A Printable Story
To minimize the spread of COVID-19, social interaction has been limited, including visits from home educators. For children, this abrupt disruption to routine can feel confusing and scary. This simple printable story answers the question, “Why Can’t We Have Our Home Visits?” in reassuring, age-appropriate language. Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor Abbi Kruse created this resource […]
Wish Well Ritual Plan
Plan your classroom Wish Well Ritual with this helpful guide to spur your thinking. This download includes one worksheet-style printable. Age All ages Helps with Wish Well ritual Wishing well School Family Connection Cooperation Unity Composure Brain Smart Start Use Classroom Staff training Format One letter-sized, single-sided, color printout Materials Color printout Related Free Resources […]
You Did It! End-of-Year Certificate for Students
Every end of the year is a time of transition for students. In a year disrupted by COVID-19, this transition can be even more difficult. Meaningful end-of-year rituals are essential for helping students feel a sense of connection, celebration, remembrance and closure this year. The You Did It! End-of-Year Certificate for Students provides an easy […]
You Did It! End-of-Year Certificate for Teachers
The end of the year is a time of transition for students and teachers alike! Help teachers mark this special occasion by providing a few heartfelt words about their impact during the school year using this easy to complete certificate. End of year rituals provide a space for connection, celebration, remembrance and closure. The You […]