My School Family Memories: A Student-Made Book

My School Family Memories: A Student-Made Book

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My School Family Memories: A Student-Made Book

Every end of the year is a time of transition for students. Parents and educators can help children work through their feelings by providing opportunities for them to process, remember, celebrate and bring closure to the year in positive ways. The My School Family Memories student-made book provides a simple template students can use to memorialize the year. It can be completed independently or with adult assistance, depending on developmental and academic ability. Parents can print the template for their children, teachers can use it to create a meaningful activity within their language arts program, or schools can send it home to encourage families to support their children at the year’s end. The pages of the template can be completed with photos, drawings, or both photos and drawings. This versatility makes the book meaningful and useable for students who may not have access to photographs. Learn more about how to create meaningful end of year rituals in the webinar End of Year Rituals to Honor, Celebrate and Heal.


  • All Ages

Helps with

  • Connection, celebration, appreciation
  • Building a School Family


  • End-of-year celebrations


  • Book template


  • Book template printouts (possibly on heavy-weight paper or cardstock)
  • Writing and coloring materials (pen, pencil, colored pencils, crayons, markers, etc.)
  • Book-binding materials like a stapler, a hole punch and yarn, a folder or spiral binding
  • Optional photos:
    • 2x3-inch school photo of student
    • Two 2x3-inch photos of the class, the student with the teacher or the student with school friends
    • Photos for the prompts on each writing page

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