Our Customized Plans Deliver Measurable Progress and Sustainable Long-Term Success
Everything’s Bigger in Texas
Even funding! Conscious Discipline is a Texas Education Agency (TEA) and Education Service Center (ESC)-recommended vendor for the Empowering ECSE Educators to Improve Student Outcomes Grant. Use TEA funding to apply our evidence-based approach to inclusive practices, behavior management, and staff wellness. Contact our development representative for grant application guidance today.
Increase student test scores and school ranking
Improve school culture, classroom management, and unity
Increase teacher retention and reduce chronic absenteeism among students
Upgrade conflict resolution and executive function skills
Conscious Discipline Improves Every Facet of Teaching & Learning
Implementation Plans that Heal, Unite, and Transform
Struggling with behavior issues, teacher turnover, and learning gaps? Conscious Discipline is an evidence-based, adult-first approach that improves every facet of teaching and learning in preschool through 8th grade. Our custom plans deliver quality professional development and classroom tools you can count on to reduce challenging behaviors, increase teacher satisfaction, and increase student achievement.
Conscious Discipline is an adult-first, trauma responsive methodology that integrates resilience, self-regulation, healthy school culture and brain-based discipline practices.
Conscious Discipline utilizes the Conscious Discipline Brain State Model, the Seven Powers for Conscious Adults, the School Family and the Seven Skills of Discipline to transform the educational culture and adult mindset before seeking to implement directly with students. This approach creates a learning environment in which resilience, social skill growth and achievement thrive.
With a 25+ year history, Conscious Discipline enjoys a level of fieldwork few programs can match. It is designated a “SELect program,” the highest ranking in CASEL’s Guide to Effective Social and Emotional Learning Programs. The CASEL Guide identifies well-designed, evidence-based programs implemented with students from pre-K through 12th grade that are “appropriate for broad dissemination to schools across the United States.” In a Harvard analysis of the nation’s top 25 social and emotional learning programs, the study’s authors said, “Conscious Discipline provides an array of behavior management strategies and classroom structures teachers can use to turn everyday situations into learning opportunities.” Conscious Discipline scored the highest possible score in 8 of the 10 categories in the study.
District plans create meaningful change across multiple schools to create a unified approach to transformation. Our district-level partners experience personalized care tailored to size, needs, vision and funding. Over the course of your deepening relationship with Conscious Discipline, you will see district-wide wellness increase, problem behaviors decrease, teacher confidence and satisfaction rise, achievement soar, and the responsibility for continuing education shift from our Instructors to your onsite school staff.
Our plans include a combination of onsite training and coaching, virtual support, eLearning, classroom implementation tools, and access to nationwide Institutes, conferences and subject-specific 2-day events. Our Partner Development Team is well-versed in serving districts of all sizes, and our plans can be scaled for as few as one or as many as 10 new schools to enter the plan each year. Register for your free More Than an Intervention webinar and begin the discovery process with our knowledgeable Partner Development Team today!
Our seasoned team of implementation specialists will work closely with you to create an implementation plan that meets the unique needs of your educational community, whether you’re a public school, private school, childcare center, Head Start Center, or other organization. Each customized implementation plan centers around personalized care tailored to your size, needs, vision, and funding.
Over the course of your deepening relationship with Conscious Discipline, you will see school-wide wellness increase, problem behaviors decrease, teacher confidence and satisfaction rise, achievement soar, and the responsibility for continuing education shift from our Instructors to your onsite school staff. Our plans include a combination of onsite training and coaching, virtual support, eLearning, classroom implementation tools, and access to our nationwide events including the Elevate Conscious Discipline national conference.
Click below to begin the discovery process with our knowledgeable Partner Development Team, and you’ll also gain free access to our More Than an Intervention webinar!
Coming Soon
Curious to learn more? The documents below provide insight into Conscious Discipline and our district-level plans. Our website also hosts a wealth of free resources, including informational blogs, podcasts, webinars and staff development tools. Sign up for your exclusive More Than an Intervention webinar and our Partner Development Team will contact you with first steps on your district’s journey to transformation.
Conscious Discipline Overview
Downloadable Documents
Conscious Discipline’s plans, events and implementation tools align with ESSER Funding’s primary objective of addressing learning loss through interventions that respond to the “social, emotional and academic needs” of the student population, including “underrepresented student subgroups who were disproportionately impacted by COVID-19.” Our approach also positively impacts secondary ESSER goals, including improving staff retention, redesigning classrooms to promote health and wellness, building connection between home and school, and offering mental health and emotional support programs.
Our experienced Partner Development Team can assist you in personalized multi-year plans that maximize the impact of ESSER funds on your district while meeting the September 30, 2023 obligation deadline for ESSER II funds and the September 30, 2024 obligation deadline for ESSER III funds. Our team can also assist with Title 1, GEER, public and private grants, and exploring additional funding sources to ensure your educational community receives the support it needs to thrive.
Q: Is there an informational packet I can get?
A: You can find a handful of helpful printables in the “Supporting Materials” section above and additional resources throughout our website. If you would like us to send you an introductory packet in the mail, please reach out to our Partner Development Team with a note about your interest in receiving materials about our plans.
Q: Do you have evidence of district-level effectiveness?
A: Within our 25+ year history, Conscious Discipline has worked with schools and districts worldwide to ensure students and educators have access to the information and resources they need to succeed. Our clients report our methodology to be “transformational,” with results extending beyond the standard behavior reduction and positive climate enhancements they expected at onset.
Conscious Discipline is also recognized by education leaders. The CASEL Guide to Effective Social and Emotional Learning Programs identifies well-designed, evidence-based programs implemented with students pre-K through 12th grade that are “appropriate for broad dissemination to schools across the United States.” In this guide, Conscious Discipline is designated a “SELect program,” the highest ranking CASEL reports. Additionally, in a Harvard analysis of the nation’s top 25 social and emotional learning programs, the study’s authors said, “Conscious Discipline provides an array of behavior management strategies and classroom structures teachers can use to turn everyday situations into learning opportunities,” and Conscious Discipline scored the highest possible score in 8 of the 10 categories.
Q: We are considering a plan but some schools in our district have been using Conscious Discipline for a few years already. Do we have to start all schools in Phase 1?
A: Research indicates that increased fidelity equals increased results, so fidelity is our primary goal at every phase of implementation. The Personalized Discovery Process you will undertake with your Partner Development Team at the district level and the school administration will undertake at the school level ensures each school enters the plan in the phase that best meets their needs and their level of fidelity. Some schools might be ready for Phase 2: Implementation with Students or Phase 3: Transformation & Expansion after a few years of implementation, while some will be best served by beginning in Phase 1: Adult-First Wellness & Implementation.
Q: How do I pay for this?
A: Our plans seek to create fidelity and sustainability so every dollar you spend has a meaningful long-term impact on the students and educators in your district. Conscious Discipline’s plans, events, implementation tools and services qualify for funding including Title 1, ESSER, GEER, and public and private grants. Our experienced Partner Development Team can assist you in identifying possible funding sources to help make your plan a success.
Q: I connected with a particular Instructor at a Conscious Discipline Institute. Can that presenter be part of our plan?
A: Sharing information about desired Instructors and other preferences are part of the Personalized Discovery Process. We strive to fulfill these requests; however sometimes an Instructor specializes in a different age group or geographic area, or is already fully engaged with other projects. The Personalized Discovery Process you will undertake with your Partner Development Team will help match you with an Instructor or cadre of Instructors who are best suited to meet your district and each school’s size, strengths and challenges
“Transformational! Conscious Discipline provided us with the research, language and guidance to transform our school from one based on unrelated rewards or punishment to one that is based on natural consequences, safety and service to each other. Once adults realize our behavior directly impacts that of our students, the climate of your whole building changes for the better. We have been practicing school-wide since 2012 and I cannot imagine doing anything else to help create the best learning environment possible for students and staff.”
Kenneth D. Kortens, Principal Park Community Charter School
We’ve been implementing Conscious Discipline for six years now. When I found Conscious Discipline, I was precariously balancing being an administrator and a new mom. Conscious Discipline gave me hope and helped me become the educational professional and mother I had dreamt of being. It equipped me with the skills to support and bring success to my family and my school.”
Heather Buckman, Assistant Principal Ridgeview Elementary (Title 1 School)