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Connect Your Way Throughout the Day with I Love You Rituals and Other Rituals
Classroom rituals provide valuable opportunities to connect, cultivating both compassion and willingness. Embedding rituals throughout the daily routine helps the adult practice the Power of Unity and the Skill of Encouragement, while providing children practice in the social skills needed for life. Discover how to introduce rituals and weave them throughout your daily routine, and […]
Creating a Safe Place: Teaching Self-Regulation & Understanding Feeling Buddies
Research shows that self-regulation is the prerequisite skill needed to create safe, effective learning environments. The Safe Place is a learning center where children can go to change their inner states from upset to calm. Adults practice the Power of Perception and the Skill of Composure as they coach children in the Safe Place. Participants […]
Elevate Keynote Session: There’s Hope! Finding and Using Your Voice
What does it take for you to find and use your voice? In this session, Dr. Becky Bailey unpacks the research behind establishing healthy boundaries and setting limits successfully. Transform your world by finding and using your voice. Session Facilitator Dr. Becky Bailey Age Adults Early Childhood Elementary Education Secondary Education Helps With Implementing Conscious […]
Elevate Keynote: Anger and Rage: Rising Above Our Own Despair to Help Ourselves, Children and Families
Many of us operate out of the belief that if only the world went our way, we would have a good day. That perspective places conditions on how we can be loving to ourselves, and to each other. Unconditional love says we can be loving regardless of the conditions we face. In this keynote, Dr. […]
Elevate Keynote: More Than an Intervention: How to Build Sustainability and Create Fidelity
Conscious Discipline is more than a strategy or an intervention; it is a change in the way we view ourselves and our school community. The School Family is the building block that supports transformation, inspires the shift to intrinsic motivation, and leads to implementation fidelity and success. In this keynote session, Jill Molli expands on […]
Elevate Keynote: More Than an Intervention: How to Build Sustainability and Create Fidelity
“Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.” In this session, Amy and Latoria explore this concept and ask, “How willing are we to be daring?” Discover actionable strategies for stepping into the power of change in our lives and in our schools in this energetic, reflective keynote address. Session Facilitator Amy Speidel and Latoria […]
The Conscious Discipline Coaching Model: Building Self-Reflective Educators
Conscious Discipline’s 25 years of implementation success shows that schools and programs that concentrate their energy and financial resources on cultivating an enthusiastic Conscious Discipline Action Team (CDAT) experience the highest rates of implementation success. This session will help you attune with staff and coach your CDAT (and others) to success using reflective coaching practices. […]
Using Visuals to Support Infants & Toddlers
Children’s brains use images to govern behavior. When we communicate our expectations through images, children are more likely to be successful. Knowing what to do, when to do it and how to do it is essential for cooperation and for building a School Family. Participants will leave with a plan to create practical visuals and […]
You Were Chosen for This Mission – Rise to the Challenge with Perseverance and Grit
Are you looking for ways to affect positive change in your district, school, classroom, or home? This session is designed to elevate your formal and informal leadership skills to influence results in diverse settings. From an administrative and parental lens, Tanyelle L. Hannah dives into how to implement Conscious Discipline to get the results we […]