Instructors by Specialization
- 4th-6th Grade Teachers
- Administrative Training/Coaching
- Bilingual/Spanish
- Childcare Administrators
- Classroom Coaching
- Early Head Start Administration
- Elementary School Administration
- Elementary School Teachers
- Foster Care
- Head Start Administration
- Head Start Teachers
- Infant/Toddler Teachers
- Kindergarten - 2nd
- Mental Health Professionals
- Middle School 6th-8th
- Middle/High School Administration
- Mission Expansion
- Other Areas of Specialization
- Parents
- PreK/K Teachers
- Preschool/Childcare Teachers
- School-wide Implementation
- Special Education
- Training/Coaching
- Upper Elementary - 3rd-5th
Sara Royer
Sara Royer has committed her 17+ year career in education to the betterment of children and teachers in her care. She has worked in various capacities, including 6 years as a 2nd grade, 1st grade, and PreK teacher, 2 years as a School Based Technology Specialist, 4 years as an Early Childhood Instructional Coach, and […]
Shandra Koch
Shandra Koch is an elementary educator with 19+ years of experience passionate about working with students with behavioral and special needs. She served as an Early Childhood Special Educator/lead pre-K teacher for 14 years at a Child Development Center. She works as a looping kindergarten/first-grade teacher, allowing her to stay with her students for two […]
Amy Brakenhoff
Amy Brakenhoff has dedicated the entirety of her career to the support, care, and education of little ones, their families, and the educators who get to teach them. For 25+years, Amy worked in and provided services for early childhood education and family support as a coach, administrator, and adjunct professor. She delights in the collaboration […]
Wynonna Toeaina
Wynonna Toeaina honors her culture by acknowledging her people, homeland, and life-givers. She comes from the Sicangu (see-chan-goo) Rosebud Lakota Sioux people. Her mother is Rosebud Sioux, her father is Hidatsa from the Three Affiliated Tribes, and her stepmother is Spirit Lake Sioux Tribe. Wynonna has a deep passion and a personal stake in reaching […]
Yvonne Watkins
Yvonne Watkins is a mom of three and has over 22 years of experience in education. She has an M.S. in Management and B.A. in Early Childhood Education. She discovered Conscious Discipline while working as a Lead preschool teacher at a Head Start program. When first introduced to Conscious Discipline, she believed Conscious Discipline was […]
Tonya Byous
Tonya is dedicated to the field of education. She is an advocate, instructor, coach, and mentor. Her introduction to Conscious Discipline was life changing. Tonya’s focus is to ensure that educators have access to transformational information and to be the support to help them sharped skills. She lives by the moto: Charity first, service to […]
Cecilia Zuleta
Cecilia Zuleta is an international speaker who specializes in early childhood education and all those who support the healthy development of children. Clinical psychology, child development, emotional regulation and neuroscience in early childhood are among her areas of expertise. Cecilia presents all of her materials in Spanish. Cecila has a private practice as a psychologist. […]
Cristen Sassi
Cristen Sassi is an energetic presenter, trainer and coach with a passion for working with educators and students who experience behavioral challenges that stem from trauma or chronic stress. Her substantial understanding of child development, sensory integration, sensory processing, neuroscience, trauma-informed approaches and Conscious Discipline provides a foundation from which she helps adults and children reach their fullest potential.