Instructors by Specialization
- 4th-6th Grade Teachers
- Administrative Training/Coaching
- Bilingual/Spanish
- Childcare Administrators
- Classroom Coaching
- Early Head Start Administration
- Elementary School Administration
- Elementary School Teachers
- Foster Care
- Head Start Administration
- Head Start Teachers
- Infant/Toddler Teachers
- Kindergarten - 2nd
- Mental Health Professionals
- Middle School 6th-8th
- Middle/High School Administration
- Mission Expansion
- Other Areas of Specialization
- Parents
- PreK/K Teachers
- Preschool/Childcare Teachers
- School-wide Implementation
- Special Education
- Training/Coaching
- Upper Elementary - 3rd-5th
Raechel Wilkins
Raechel has been a sister, mother, wife, and educator for more than 10 years in Central Florida. Her dedication to a “positive vibe” is demonstrated in her classroom and coaching techniques, the way she approaches service. She often testifies that Conscious Discipline strengthens her connections with family, friends, colleagues and most importantly, all students she […]
Juana Morales
Juana is a mother, a wife, psychologist and educator living in Bogota, Colombia. She has been working for 27 years with children and their families in her private clinical practice and her child development center Vueltacanela as a director. She has specialized in emotional regulation, ADHD, impulsivity, parenting and early childhood. She loves helping families and teachers connect with their children.
Paola Salcedo
Paola Salcedo is an award-winning teacher specializing in Early Childhood and Bilingual Education with over 15 years of experience in the classroom. She has worked as a Conscious Discipline coach at a Title I school in Houston ISD since 2015, where she has successfully implemented bilingual parent involvement programs. Paola is currently pursuing a master’s degree in School Counseling. A […]
Bernadette (Bibi) Herran
Bernadette “Bibi” Heran is a licensed social worker who specializes in the social-emotional development of children and adults. Bibi has over sixteen years of experience including training and consultation for early childhood professionals of Early Head start, Head start, and community childcare settings. For the last five years Bibi has also been training and coaching […]
Laura Angulo
Laura Angulo was born in Bogotá Colombia and was raised in Florida where she graduated from High School and went on to study Psychology and Special Education at the University of Miami. After working as a Special Education teacher in the Broward County public school system with children with severe and moderate cognitive disabilities, she realized the fundamental importance of […]
Lety Valero
Lety Valero has been an enthusiastic, innovative and committed educator for over 25 years. She served as a teacher, assistant principal, and the director of a preschool at an international school in Mexico City, Mexico. She is a Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor and national presenter with an M.S. in International Education. Lety is bilingual in English and Spanish.
Katja von Elbe
Katja von Elbe’s understanding of and inspiration from her daily practice of Dr. Becky Bailey’s Conscious Discipline program as both a trainer and a parent captivates her audiences. Her expertise has evolved from twenty years of teaching in urban school settings and working with families functioning under a variety of modern stressors.
Elizabeth Montero-Cefalo
Elizabeth Montero-Cefalo graduated from the University of Miami with a Masters in Early Childhood Special Education and is a talented trainer who has worked extensively with special needs children. In fact, her special education classroom was recognized as a Conscious Discipline model classroom by Dr. Becky Bailey and the Miami-Dade County Public School District. Because Dr. Bailey recognized Elizabeth’s commitment […]