Elevate Breakout Session: Creating a Safe Place - Teaching Self-Regulation

Breakout Session: Creating a Safe Place – Teaching Self-Regulation

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Breakout Session: Creating a Safe Place – Teaching Self-Regulation

Research proves that self-regulation is an essential skill for creating safe, effective learning environments. In Conscious Discipline, the Safe Place is the centerpiece of your self-regulation program. It is a place where children (and adults) can change their inner state from upset to calm. Once calm, they are ready to learn and problem-solve. In this breakout session from the 2019 Elevate SEL Conference, Certified Instructor Kim Jackson explains how to learn and teach self-regulation, create and effectively use a Safe Place in your classroom, and coach children through the five steps of self-regulation. The accompanying handout walks you through a Safe Place implementation plan designed for Pre-K-2nd and adaptable for all others.

Session Facilitator

  • Certified Instructor Kim Jackson


  • Adults

Helps With

  • Learning and teaching self-regulation


  • Resource for teachers and administrators


  • Video session
  • Session handout


  • Video
  • Printed handout
  • Pen or pencil for notes

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