Starting Your Day the Brain Smart Way

The Conscious Discipline Brain Smart Start is a series of four activities that get brains and bodies integrated and ready to learn and problem-solve. Although we often lead children through a Brain Smart Start, these activities are tremendously helpful for adults too.

In keeping with Conscious Discipline’s adult first, child second model, Mandy knows that if she practices and internalizes for herself first, she’s more likely to be successful when she practices with her children.

In this webinar, Certified Instructor Mandy Lloyd shares how she starts each day the “brain smart” way. Mandy’s goal is to be in an integrated executive state before her children get up. In keeping with Conscious Discipline’s adult first, child second model, Mandy knows that if she practices and internalizes for herself first, she’s more likely to be successful when she practices with her children.

Watch as Mandy walks you through her activity to unite, activity to disengage stress, activity to connect, and activity to commit. Your own Brain Smart Start might not look exactly like Mandy’s, but incorporating these four activities will ensure you’re ready for a focused and productive day.

Webinar Outline

  • 00:02 Introduction
  • 00:15 Purpose of a Brain Smart Start for adults
  • 00:35 Four components of a Brain Smart Start
  • 00:40 Unite
  • 01:09 Disengage stress
  • 01:49 Connect
  • 02:15 Commit
  • 03:15 Celebrate or practice Oops!
  • 03:26 Recap and closing

Resource Mentions

Helpful Next Steps