Webinar: Caring for Adults with Cognitive and Memory Impairment with Dr. Becky Bailey

In this heartfelt webinar, Dr. Becky Bailey draws on personal experience to share tips for the families and caregivers of adults with cognitive and memory impairment. Having cared for both grandparents and parents with dementia and Alzheimer’s, she offers practical strategies for providing connection, a felt sense of safety, and a sense of agency and empowerment. The webinar is divided into three main sections: Learn to See the Situation Differently, Learn New Tools for Establishing Safety and Connection, and Learn How to Help Others Navigate the Experience.

Currently, there is no cure for Alzheimer’s and dementia. But these strategies can help you give your loved one a sense of safety, belonging, and autonomy.

With a basic understanding of the brain and development, you can meet your loved one where they are and share meaningful moments of connection. As Dr. Bailey says of her experience, “We had moments where we giggled, and that’s always good.”

Webinar Outline

  • 00:10 Introduction of Dr. Becky Bailey and Conscious Discipline
  • 00:58 Background-Dr. Bailey’s experience with parents and grandparents with memory disorders
  • 1:50 Safety, connection, and problem Solving
  • 3:20 Section 1: Learn to See the Situation Differently
  • 5:55 The dynamics of informing your loved one
  • 7:32 Caring for yourself is vital
  • 10:17 Work within their reality
  • 12:33 Section 2: Learn New Tools for Establishing Safety and Connection
  • 12:50 The power of mirror neurons
  • 17:39 Using procedural memory as a bridge
  • 21:37 Using visuals to create safety
  • 24:32 How to navigate hallucinations
  • 28:30 Use the Power of Positive Intent
  • 36:56 Section 3: Learn How to Help Others Navigate the Experience
  • 37:17 Create care books for interactions
  • 39:38 I Love You Rituals (video clip)
  • 40:30 How to prepare children
  • 42:19 Final thoughts/Conclusion

Resource Mentions

Helpful Next Steps