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Webinar: Strategies for Using Conscious Discipline with eDECA: Maximize the Impact of Conscious Discipline

Conscious Discipline has teamed with Devereux Center for Resilient Children to offer a system to assess children’s social-emotional health and resilience, monitor progress and customize helpful strategies for growth. The Conscious Discipline and e-DECA Assessment and Planning System allows early childhood professionals and families to screen, assess and promote protective factors associated with resilience and the healthy social-emotional development of infants, toddlers and preschoolers.

The comprehensive assessment and planning system supports creating strong attachment, developing self-regulation, building initiative and reducing problematic behaviors by using Conscious Discipline strategies that are integrated within the assessment tool.

This web-based computer application allows for ratings to be entered online, completes all scoring, generates reports and stores the data in a secure database. It provides immediate access to reports, including individual ratings, rater comparisons, pre and post-comparisons, strategy reports and group profiles. Users can also generate a report that provides aggregate information across an entire program, and can download or export the data.

Webinar Handout


Webinar Outline

  • 00 :19 Welcome by Rudee Abello
  • 00:45 Welcome & Introductions by Susan Damico
  • 01:28 Overview of the Devereux Center for Resilient Children by Susan Damico
  • 02:58 Primary goals of the Conscious Discipline and eDECA Assessment Planning System
  • 02:22 Devereux Center for Resilient Children and Conscious Discipline Partnership
  • 05:15 Resilience model, Risk Factors and Protective Factors
  • 07:36 eDECA Screening tools for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers
  • 09:26 DECA Preschool Clinical screening tool
  • 10:40 Devereux Adult Resilience Survey – DARS
  • 12:58 DECA 101
  • 15:39 Individual Child Profile ratings
  • 17:56 Logging in to the eDECA
  • 20:34 Single child rating
  • 26:10 Group Profile Report
  • 28:26 Sample screening of a 2-year-old child
  • 29:44 Conscious Discipline strategies
  • 30:15 Choosing Conscious Discipline strategies
  • 30:55 Partnering with families to create goals
  • 33:27 Relationship between protective factors and challenging behaviors
  • 33:54 One program’s approach to using the eDECA with Conscious Discipline strategies
  • 45:43 Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ
  • 47:43 Understanding the mechanics of the web platform
  • 49:25 Purchasing Information
  • 50:46 Contact information

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