
Real Talk for Real Teachers with Dr. Becky Bailey and special guest Suad Al-Salem

Episode Summary

People often ask, “Is Conscious Discipline culturally sensitive?” and “Will Conscious Discipline work in my country?” The answer to both questions is, “Yes.” Conscious Discipline is brain-based and rooted in neuroscience. It’s also built on the Power of Unity, the idea that we’re all in this together. In addition, Conscious Discipline is more of a practice or philosophy than a proscriptive, step-by-step approach. This allows for easy adaptation and customization as needed. In fact, Conscious Discipline is currently practiced in at least 47 countries.

In this podcast, Dr. Bailey is joined by special guest Suad Al-Salem, a counselor at My Little School in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. At My Little School, Conscious Discipline is integrated into every part of a child’s day. Suad shares her experience with successfully practicing Conscious Discipline in Saudi Arabia, plus tips on effectively and empathetically responding to resistance.

Essential Takeaways

  • The Power of Unity means that Conscious Discipline is built on commonalities, not differences. Unity supports, encourages, and allows for our individuality and uniqueness to blossom.
  • Different countries and cultures can customize their practice of Conscious Discipline however they see fit. A school in Sri Lanka, for instance, made their Safe Place a temple, representing wisdom and rejuvenation.
  • If others resist implementation of Conscious Discipline, continue embracing them as part of the School Family without pressuring them. Accept their resistance and take baby steps. Often, as people feel a sense of belonging and see the positive changes, they will move from resistance to acceptance (and sometimes even enthusiasm).
  • At Suad’s school in Saudi Arabia, parents are excited about Conscious Discipline. They want implementation to expand and continue beyond sixth grade. Parents say that the difference in children who attend My Little School is very noticeable.

Steps For Tomorrow

  • Involve parents in Conscious Discipline implementation from the start. Invite them to assemblies, send out newsletters or post blogs, or even have “Coffee Mornings” to chat about Conscious Discipline. Children at Suad’s school are performing a play called “A Day of Conscious Discipline at My Little School” to show parents what day-to-day implementation looks like at MLS.
  • When possible, involve anyone else that regularly interacts with the child too. At Suad’s private school, for example, many of the children have nannies. The school offers Conscious Discipline classes for the nannies and had parents give permission for the nannies to use the language of Conscious Discipline with their children.
  • If you meet with resistance, wish well those who resist and accept their feelings. Expose them to information about Conscious Discipline and allow them to see its impact, and they are likely to come around gradually.

Important Links

Product Mentions

Show Outline

  • :22 What is Conscious Discipline?
  • :40 Conscious Discipline internationally
  • 3:51 Introduction of guest Suad Al-Salem
  • 4:51 Suad’s introduction to Conscious Discipline
  • 6:25 What Conscious Discipline looks like at My Little School
  • 7:34 Schools in Saudi Arabia
  • 9:23 How Suad uses Conscious Discipline in her role at MLS
  • 10:30 Teaching Conscious Discipline to children’s nannies
  • 12:54 Getting parents involved with Conscious Discipline
  • 16:00 Responding to resistance
  • 18:44 How Suad uses Conscious Discipline at home
  • 23:15 Showing parents they are part of the School Family
  • 23:46 What’s Becky up to?
  • 24:08 What’s Becky celebrating?

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On behalf of our Conscious Discipline family, we wish you well.