
Real Talk for Real Teachers with Dr. Becky Bailey and special guest Jill Molli

Episode Summary

With so many models for creating change, how do you decide which one is best for your school? Do you want lasting change or a Band-Aid approach? Do you have what it takes to create a transformational change in your classroom, school or district?

Traditional change is doing the same thing you’ve been doing, but doing it better, faster, and cheaper. Transitional change makes small changes in behaviors by doing new “B” instead of old “A.” Transformational change creates a new mindset, or way of thinking. It’s the most challenging and rewarding form of change because it creates far-reaching and long-lasting results that have never existed before.

Conscious Discipline is a transformational change model that asks administrators and educators to see through a new lens of knowledge. In this episode, Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor Jill Molli shares challenges and tips for success when transforming school cultures with Conscious Discipline.

Essential Takeaways

  • Administrative buy-in and participation in trainings is essential to success
  • Work with willing teachers and staff; allow their success to motivate others
  • Create model classrooms for sustainability

Steps for Tomorrow

  • Begin with implementation of Conscious Discipline in your own life first
  • Principals reflect on personal leadership style
  • Work with teachers and students

Important Links

Product Mentions

Show Outline

  • :23 What is Conscious Discipline
  • 1:40 Transformational, transitional and traditional change models
  • 6:41 Introduction of guest Jill Molli, Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor
  • 7:40 Obstacles to overcome when implementing Conscious Discipline
  • 12:52 Who to send to summer teacher events and trainings
  • 14:31 School/agency 3-prong approach for successful implementation
  • 18:15 Identifying your Conscious Discipline Action Team (CDAT)
  • 20:30 Importance of coaching during implementation
  • 22:24 How to achieve fidelity with Conscious Discipline
  • 24:39 Misuse of the Conscious Discipline Safe Place Self-Regulation Center
  • 28:00 Creating onsite model classrooms for sustainability
  • 32:51 Steps for tomorrow

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On behalf of our Conscious Discipline family, we wish you well.