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Kitchen: Wish Well Board
Kitchen: Wish Well Board
How to Use a Wish Well Board in the Kitchen
Life can be complicated, families and friends can be separated by vast distances, and personal struggles abound. Yet, there is always something we can do to demonstrate our loving concern and connect with those we care for: We can wish them well.
The Wish Well Board provides a visual way to aid children in wishing others well. It helps adults remember to take a quiet moment, too. You can use the Wish Well Board from Conscious Discipline like the Bug Family does or you can make a homemade one.
The process for wishing well includes taking three deep breaths, filling your heart with love, and then sending that love to another person. Wishing well generates an internal cascade of feel-good neurochemicals and hormones that boost positive feelings. Wish well for those whom you miss, who are sick, who are experiencing big events (tests, new jobs, tryouts, a new home, a new school or a new baby arriving), and anyone who seems to be struggling.