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Shubert’s Classroom: Kindness Recorder
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Shubert’s Classroom: Kindness Recorder
How to Use the Kindness Recorder in Shubert’s Classroom
The Kindness Recorder is a job in the Conscious Discipline classroom that includes age-appropriate props like a kindness tree, kindness notebook and/or flowerpot to make note of kind and helpful acts throughout the day. The Kindness Recorder ritual helps the class focus on kind and helpful acts, operating on the Conscious Discipline powers of Attention (what you focus on, you get more of), Unity (we are all in this together) and Love (seeing the best in others).
Since young children are just learning to write, you will devise symbolic ways for them to record each other’s kindnesses. Some classrooms put an artificial flower in a pot or vase each time a kind act occurs. Others make a Kindness Tree using the template on the School Family Make-N-Take, available as digital downloads as part of our Premium Resource Toolkit, and put a heart on the tree to record each kind act. Older classrooms (and the Loving Guidance office staff) use a notebook to record kind acts and read them aloud daily or weekly.
More ideas for your Kindness Recorder can be found in the “Classroom Jobs” chapter of the Creating the School Family book, on the School Family Make-N-Take, available as digital downloads as part of our Premium Resource Toolkit, and in the instruction booklet included with the School Family Job Set. “Looking for Kindness” on Kindness Counts supports the Kindness Recorder.
1st Grade Examples
Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories; ask and answer questions about the total number of data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another.
(Authors: National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers Title: Common Core State Standards (insert specific content area if you are using only one) Publisher: National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers, Washington D.C. Copyright Date: 2010 For more information, please visit our pages for Developers & Publishers, Terms of Use, and Public License.)
Video Examples: Kindness Recorder in Shubert’s Classroom
Children with Special Needs: Kindness Tree - with Prek Special Needs
Children with Special Needs: Kindness Tree - Noticing Kindness with Special Needs
Younger Children: Teaching Children to Care - Conscious Discipline Skills
Younger Children: Kindness Tree - Kindnesses in PreK
Younger Children: Kindness Tree - in 3rd Grade
Older Children: Kindness Tree - School-wide Kindness Recorder in Elementary School
Older Children: Kindness Tree - Kindness Recorder in 4th Grade
Older Children: Kindness Tree - in 5th Grade
Photo Examples: Kindness Recorder in Shubert’s Classroom
- Brain Smart Start
- Time Machine and Conflict Resolution Mat
- S.T.A.R.
- Picture Rule Cards
- Class Meeting
- Kindness Recorder
- Daily Routines
- Shubert Books
- We Care Center
- I Love You Rituals
- Job Board
- Wish Well Ritual
- Seven Skills Posters
- Safe Place
- Friends and Family Board
- Feeling Buddies Self-Regulation Toolkit
- I Choose Self-Control Board
- Safe Place Mat
- Safekeeper Ritual