Welcome to Shubert’s School
Entrance: Safekeeper Ritual
Entrance: Safekeeper Ritual
How to Use Safekeeper Rituals in Your School Entrance
The brain functions optimally when a person feels safe, therefore the basic job description for all staff members in School Family is “My job is to keep you safe.” The children’s job is “To help keep it safe.”
Make a clear statement of the school-wide commitment to safety by displaying some version of your safety commitment near the school entrance. It could be in the form of a school motto that includes the concept of safety or simply the phrase “Our job is to keep it safe.” Remind children of your commitment to keep them safe and their commitment to keep the school safe by using the language of safety from the first moment children arrive at school to the last moment they are on school property at the end of the day. Relate greetings, rules, routines and noticing to the concept of safety. “Hey, hey, Katerina! Good to see you this morning! My job is to keep you safe. What’s your job?” “Geo, you’re swinging your backpack from side to side. Hold your backpack still like this (demonstrate) to keep yourself and your classmates safe.”
Photo Examples: Safekeeper Rituals in Your School Entrance