Responding to Conflict During Seasons of Change

As families stay home, routines shift, and we attempt to navigate our new normal, conflict and tension is inevitable.

This season of change won’t be easy. But if we can respond to conflict in a healthy manner, we can seize the unique opportunity to deepen our relationships with loved ones.

In this webinar, Certified Instructor Amy Speidel provides several quick, helpful tips on responding to conflict during this season of change. Amy discusses creating a game plan, determining which situations need to be addressed in the moment and which should be addressed later, and how to handle moments of conflict with grace.

This season of change won’t be easy. But if we can respond to conflict in a healthy manner, we can seize the unique opportunity to deepen our relationships with loved ones.

Webinar Outline

  • 00:01 Greeting and introduction
  • 00:40 Having an extra adult in the house with everyone at home
  • 01:16 Opportunity for tension with space and domain dynamics
  • 01:40 Different routines and structure from familiar family life
  • 02:30 Ways to look at this new lifestyle
  • 03:30 Hold off now, and later talk together about adult decisions
  • 04:23 Best to handle right in the moment
  • 05:20 Handle the moment with grace
  • 06:30 Reflection
  • 07:19 Conclusion and Wish Well

Resource Mentions

Helpful Next Steps