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Coaching, training and consultation options that give you the flexibility to tailor digital content focus and depth to meet the needs of your school or district.
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Host a keynote, multi-day event or a week-long Conscious Discipline Institute for your staff or district.
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Learn and experience the transformational skills, powers and structures of Conscious Discipline in an interactive, brain-smart environment.
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New e-Course offerings blend the core principles of Conscious Discipline with practical, age-specific implementation strategies in response to the unique impacts of COVID-19.
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NEWS: Conscious Discipline Achieves CASEL’s SELect Program Designation
Conscious Discipline has achieved CASEL’s SELect Program designation, recognizing Conscious Discipline as a leader in impactful social and emotional learning (SEL). Conscious Discipline meets CASEL’s SELect Program designation, the highest designation for evidence-based programs, in the CASEL Guide to Effective Social and Emotional Learning Programs. This designation indicates that Conscious Discipline can play a central role in a school’s approach to promoting student social and emotional learning. The CASEL Program Guide identifies well-designed, evidence-based SEL programs that offer comprehensive programming, ongoing training and support, and a demonstrated statistically significant positive impact on student behavioral outcomes and/or academic achievement.
Shop Conscious Discipline
“Slate Run Elementary earned an “A” from the Indiana Department of Education for 2015-2016! This grade reflects our incredible growth we demonstrated on statewide ISTEP assessment. We had the highest growth in our school district (among Title I and non-Title I schools). I attribute much of this growth to our work with Conscious Discipline to create a safe, connected School Family.”

Amy Niemeier, Principal, Slate Run Elementary School New Albany, IN
“Conscious Discipline went from changing my classroom, to changing our school, to changing every facet of my life. … Our entire school became better connected. Our parents felt they were part of a School Family. Our teachers started seeing the best in students and each other. I was able to better manage relationships with coworkers, family and friends. By rewriting my way of thinking with Conscious Discipline, I am confident that I can say, ‘I can handle this,’ no matter what comes my way.”
Kyree C., Director of Curriculum Casper, Wyoming
“I purchased violence prevention curricula for our preschool at the Center for the Homeless, but it didn’t prevent violence. Now I know why. If children don’t feel safe, no curriculum can change behavior or address deeper needs. Conscious Discipline helped us meet our goal to connect with every child and lay the groundwork for breaking the cycle of homelessness. We finally have exact and effective responses!”
Sandy W South Bend, Indiana
“We were in the terrible twos and at our wits end. We would send our son to his room and he would laugh! We couldn’t understand why he was laughing when we were so angry! Dr. Bailey helped it make sense. The key is to see misbehavior in a positive light. By choosing not to enter the power struggle, I can prevent it from escalating. He will still challenge me, but I now I have the tools to help him work through the issues he’s facing.”
Stephanie M Clearwater, Florida
“Because of Conscious Discipline, our staff sees conflict as an opportunity to teach a missing skill. The Certified Instructor we’ve partnered with has always made herself available to our School Family to discuss and solve the challenges we face at our school. Our School Family has become a better place and it is because of our Certified Instructor leading the way with her endless knowledge of Conscious Discipline!
Michele N Canajorharie New York, New York
When we began our Conscious Discipline journey during the 2017-2018 school year, our staff turnover was high, discipline referrals were even higher, and state report card grades were all F’s. Our staff turnover is much lower now, staff climate surveys show that our staff is much happier in their work environment, discipline referrals decreased by 19%, and our report card grades were a C, C and D in 2019. We will continue embracing the Conscious Discipline concepts throughout our district for the well-being of our adults and students.
Michelle Garton, Director of Teaching and Learning, North College Hill City School District Cincinnati, OH
“We believe ‘You cannot teach what you do not know.’ Conscious Discipline has been a game changer in building what we know! We are forever grateful for learning how to build compassionate classroom climates through safety, connection and problem solving. Conscious Discipline has been both an anchor and a lifeline for our teachers to know there is a better way for our children to grow and love through kindness.”
Martha S. South Carolina
“Our School Family was recognized with the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council’s You Make a Difference Award. Our Kindergarten and First Grade Inclusion classes were the only inclusion programs recognized in Orange County, and a major part of our success was due to implementing Conscious Discipline. Our children soared socially, emotionally, and academically!”
Tiffany T Gotha, Florida
“In twenty years of working with children, I have never heard a speaker who was more enjoyable, nor one more beneficial to my profession than Dr. Bailey. Her workshop is a must for anyone working with children!”
Gayle H Lebanon, TN