Elevate Las Vegas Teacher ConferenceOctober 23-25 More Info

What's New

Desks in a school

A Solution for Chronic Absenteeism

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Jill Molli with banners in back

DA Magazine Podcast Chaos to Calm Features Conscious Discipline

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Teachers reading a book with kids

TeachStone Highlights Conscious Discipline as Compatible with CLASS Use in Head Start Agencies

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How Can We Support You?

Online Courses

New e-Course offerings blend the core principles of Conscious Discipline with practical, age-specific implementation strategies in response to the unique impacts of COVID-19.

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Professional Development

Coaching, training and consultation options that give you the flexibility to tailor digital content focus and depth to meet the needs of your school or district.

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In Person Events

Learn and experience the transformational skills, powers and structures of Conscious Discipline in an interactive, brain-smart environment.

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Host a keynote, multi-day event or a week-long Conscious Discipline Institute for your staff or district.

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Our Mission: To offer every adult the inspiration, knowledge, and skills to self-regulate and create healthy relationships for generations.

Our Vision: An interconnected world where people consciously pursue their best possibilities together.

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NEWS: Conscious Discipline Achieves CASEL’s SELect Program Designation

Conscious Discipline has achieved CASEL’s SELect Program designation, recognizing Conscious Discipline as a leader in impactful social and emotional learning (SEL). Conscious Discipline meets CASEL’s SELect Program designation, the highest designation for evidence-based programs, in the CASEL Guide to Effective Social and Emotional Learning Programs. This designation indicates that Conscious Discipline can play a central role in a school’s approach to promoting student social and emotional learning. The CASEL Program Guide identifies well-designed, evidence-based SEL programs that offer comprehensive programming, ongoing training and support, and a demonstrated statistically significant positive impact on student behavioral outcomes and/or academic achievement.

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