For over 35 years, Vicky has been an early childhood educator teaching Pre-K, kindergarten, first grade and self-contained special needs for children with autism. Along with her position as a resource teacher for Orange County Public Schools in Orlando, Florida, these experiences enable her to understand what educators deal with on a daily basis. Her classroom is a nationwide model […]

Vicky Hepler
Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor
Orlando, Florida
Vicky has over 35 years of experience in education, including teaching Pre-K, kindergarten, first grade and self-contained special needs for children with autism.
Vicky specializes in Pre-K, kindergarten, literacy, keynote speaking, coaching and workshops.
Vicky is a Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor and contributing author to Dr. Becky Bailey’s book Creating the School Family.
Vicky holds a B.S. in Early Childhood Education from Purdue University.
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Using Neuroscience to Design an Environment that Deescalates Classroom Behaviors: Education Event in Madison April 2025
Madison, WI
Survival is the brain’s top priority. The brain functions optimally in environments with a felt sense of safety and...
Conscious Discipline Institute in Kansas City, MO: Summer Educator Event 2025
Kansas City, MO
This July, prepare for a transformative experience with our expert presenters at the life-changing Conscious Discipline Institute, an education...