Nicole Langston

Nicole Langston

Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor

Ashland, Missouri

Nicole Langston, an educator with over 17 years of experience and mother of four, discovered Conscious Discipline when she first became a principal. Nicole has worked as a Director of Early Childhood, principal, and elementary teacher while also leading Parents as Teachers, Gifted and Talented, Head Start and pregnant and parenting teens. She has an Ed.S in Education Policy and […]

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Nicole Langston has nearly two decades of experience in education, including roles as a Director of Early Childhood, a principal, an elementary school teacher, a parent educator and a National School of Character evaluator. She is also the mother of four children. Nicole holds an Ed.S. in Education Policy and Analysis, a M.Ed., and a B.A. in Early Childhood Education. She specializes in working with early childhood, elementary, pregnant and parenting teens, and programs including Head Start, Parents as Teachers, and Gifted and Talented.

When Nicole first heard of Conscious Discipline, she was the principal at an at-risk school who felt that she was drowning in behavior issues. She felt that she was constantly managing behavior and no longer doing the work that got her into education in the first place, such as helping teachers, families and children grow. Her school brought in a Certified Instructor to conduct a training, but real change didn’t happen until Nicole and her staff began embracing the Seven Powers in their personal lives. Nicole’s School Family began with over 700 behavior referrals in a single year. After creating a community of safety and connectedness, the number of referrals quickly dropped to less than 200. Nicole and her staff regained their creative strengths and their joy in teaching and leading.

Nicole’s passion for Conscious Discipline has led her to share her work with the Feeling Buddies in a local prison with other communities, design and teach orientations for new teachers and continue growth for existing teachers, and help educators plan to overcome complacency. She has also led breakout sessions at Summer Institutes and has used her own experiences to help others utilize Conscious Discipline in overcoming personal challenges. Because Nicole understands the frustrations of being a teacher, administrator and parent, she has a desire to grow and affect change through equipping others with Conscious Discipline.



    Over the past 17 years, Nicole has served as the Director of Early Childhood, a principal, teacher, parent educator, and a National School of Character evaluator.


    Nicole’s significant areas of focus are Early Childhood, Elementary, Alternative High School Parenting Teens, Gifted and Talented Students, Parents as Teachers, Head Start, at risk populations, and personal transformations.


    Nicole is a Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor and holds a Superintendent, Principal, B-3 Teaching, and Parent Educator Certification. She is also certified to evaluate schools to be State or National Schools of Character.


    Nicole has an Ed.S in Education Policy and Analysis from the University of Missouri, a M.Ed from William Woods University, and a B.A. in Early Childhood Education from Missouri State University.