CAPNA: Baby Doll Circle Time

With Elizabeth Montero Cefalo

Baby Doll Circle Time™: Forming connections with all children including those who have experienced trauma or toxic stress. Research shows secure adult-child relationships are a prerequisite for healthy child development. Unfortunately, some of our children have not experienced the most optimal interactions in their early childhood. In this session, we will learn how to implement the revolutionary approach known as Baby Doll Circle Time™. Discover manageable ways to create connections through intentional interactions that develop vital synaptic pathways for impulse control and self-regulation, while developing healthy relationships with caregivers.
The instructions and activities in the Baby Doll Circle Time™ curriculum show you how to:
• Improve relationships between teachers and children
• Reduce the stress in the early childhood setting
• Utilize attachment, attunement and social play to wire the brain for optimal development
• Help children develop healthy blueprints for self-regulation, relationships and sense of self
