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This Study Examined the Current Status of a School Discipline System in Relation to Native American Value Systems

Jackson, A. T. (2004). The implications of a discipline model and how it aligns with school values. (Unpublished master’s thesis). Oglala Lakota College, Oglala Lakota County, South Dakota.

Intro brief: This survey-based case study aimed to understand the discipline system in place at a Native American tribal school, investigate whether that system aligned with their values, and explore whether Conscious Discipline could assist in aligning any mismatches between discipline and values.

All respondents agreed that Conscious Discipline was in line with their values and would be beneficial for students.

Type of report:

Independent research project, descriptive/case study

Study design:

Three groups involved with the Tiospa Zina Tribal School participated in the study: Native American and Caucasian teachers who participated in at least one Conscious Discipline workshop, Dakota community members with students in the school, and Dakota community elders. Surveys containing questions on the Tiospa Zina discipline system, Conscious Discipline and school values were sent to all participants. A total of seven people responded.  


All participants agreed the school discipline system was in need of modifications and that the current system was not in line with values such as respect, generosity, honesty and compassion. All respondents agreed that Conscious Discipline was in line with these values and would be beneficial for students.

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