All CD products bundle


Conscious Discipline: Building Resilient Classrooms

Shift from “Do as I say” to “Be the change” with the updated skills, strategies and structures in the newly revised Conscious Discipline book. It contains all of the transformational strength of the seven powers and skills from the earlier editions, plus new brain information, new strategies, exclusive access to a web portal and more! Perfect for toddler to 5th Grade classrooms, adaptable for all others.

THIS BOOK IS ALSO AVAILABLE IN SPANISH: Click here to purchase the Spanish version: Spanish Conscious Discipline Book

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Managing Emotional Mayhem ©

Managing Emotional Mayhem lays a conceptual foundation, explores limiting beliefs, presents new adult skills and teaches us how to coach children in this transformative self-regulation process. Paperback, 168 pages.

Creative Child Awards Winner! 2013 Top Choice of the Year!

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Creating the School Family

Systematically create a positive school climate, dramatically increase teaching time, foster academic success, eliminate bullying and decrease behavioral issues. School climate impacts all achievement!

Dr. Becky Bailey delivers a fresh perspective called "The School Family,” creating a fundamental shift in education and classroom management. Step into a world where intrinsic motivation, helpfulness and connection govern your classroom.

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Helping My Feeling Buddies

Imagine a generation of children who fully experience their feelings and manage them through healthy inner speech and helpful actions. Helping My Feeling Buddies provides the foundation for just that.

THIS BOOK IS ALSO AVAILABLE IN SPANISH: Click here to purchase the Spanish version:
Ayudando a mis Feeling Buddies

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Ayudando a mis Feeling Buddies

Imagínese una generación de niños que puedan experimentar sus sentimientos a su totalidad y puedan manejarlos con un lenguaje interno sano y acciones que ayudan. Ayudando a mis Feeling Buddies provee una base y sustento para esto.

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When I Feel...

Help children learn to handle tough emotions with this self-regulation activity book featuring Velcro Feeling Faces and helpful calming techniques. "When I Feel" is an essential Safe Place Resource to self-regulation!

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I Can Calm

Self-regulation begins here! Three deep breaths help to turn off the “fight or flight” stress response in the body. This short but powerful book helps young children to learn and practice six active calming strategies that encourage deep belly breathing, whether they're in the Safe Place or on the go!

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Sophie's Super Splendid Box of Books

The Sophie series is an essential introduction to Conscious Discipline for youngsters age 0-5. This unique set of books is designed to build character through conflict for children by using relatable, delightful stories while also modeling the use of Conscious Discipline for adults.

THIS BUNDLE OF BOOKS IS ALSO AVAILABLE IN SPANISH: Click here to purchase the Spanish version: La Gran Caja de Libros de Sophie

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La Gran Caja de Libros de Sophie

La serie de Sophie es una introducción esencial a Disciplina Consciente para niños infantiles de 0-4. Este set único de libros esta diseñado para construir carácter a través del conflicto en niños usando historias encantadoras con las que se pueden relacionar y modela Disciplina Consciente para los adultos.  Cada historia incluye consejos y herramientas que ayudan a los padres y maestros.

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Seven Skills Poster Set

Teach young children assertiveness, choices, positive intent, encouragement, empathy, consequences and composure with seven 11” x 17,” sturdy, brightly colored posters. The front side reminds you what to do with children, and the back provides insight and ideas for your classroom structures. One side clearly explains how to set up and use class structures. The bright, fun graphics on the other side make them ideal for posting as a reminder of the Conscious Discipline skills and powers.

Includes seven posters, 11" x 17" each

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I Love You Rituals Poster Set

I Love You Rituals build literacy, provide positive lyrics for traditional rhymes and create a connected classroom environment. Using our popular I Love You Rituals to meet Common Core reading standards has never been easier than with this set of bright and sturdy posters! Seven  11” x 17” posters with lyrics and art, plus an instructional activity sheet.

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Shubert's BIG Voice

This delightful children's book teaches adults how to help children speak up to bullies. Shubert the lightning bug shows us that his words are more powerful than hands that hit or feet that kick.

Shubert discovers that his voice has power as Benny, the class bully, responds to Shubert's newfound skill: using his assertive words. Shubert glows with excitement as he teaches all children who read and listen to this book to use their Big Voice.

THIS BOOK IS ALSO AVAILABLE IN SPANISH: Click here to purchase the Spanish version: Shubert usa su GRAN voz

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Shubert's Helpful Day

Shubert arrives to class where an angry Lucinda lashes out. Everyone discovers ways to view misbehavior as a “call for help,” not just acting out.

Shubert, a lightning bug, decides he will be helpful today, no matter what! As he enters his classroom, he finds Lucinda throwing down her backpack and kicking at Etta. Find out how Shubert and his classmates help Lucinda uncover her real problem and find a solution.

THIS BOOK IS ALSO AVAILABLE IN SPANISH: Click here to purchase the Spanish version: Shubert brinda su ayuda

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Shubert is a S.T.A.R.

When an upset Shubert in class causes bug crazy madness, Mrs. Bookbinder uses the opportunity to teach an active calming strategy and introduce the Safe Place™. Shubert is having a yucky day. Come to Mrs. Bookbinder's class where he learns about being a S.T.A.R., ballooning and other anger management techniques. Children and adults learn to create and use a Safe Place.

  • iParenting Media Award Winner
  • Paperback

THIS BOOK IS ALSO AVAILABLE IN SPANISH: Click here to purchase the Spanish version: Shubert es una E.S.T.R.E.L.L.A.

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Shubert Sees the Best

Name-calling is the focus in this helpful book. Join Shubert, Crenshaw and Mrs. Bookbinder as they transform hurtful situations into helpful interactions.

Watch Mrs. Bookbinder creatively respond in a way that teaches empathy, critical thinking and responsibility. This addition to the Shubert series helps children see hurtful behavior from a different point of view, transforming hurtful situations—"He’s mean!”—into helpful interactions.

  • iParenting Media Award Winner

THIS BOOK IS ALSO AVAILABLE IN SPANISH: Click here to purchase the Spanish version: Shubert Ve lo Mejor

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Shubert's Choice

Providing two positive choices assists children with follow-through, focus and self-esteem. Join Shubert as he discovers this lesson at home and school.

Shubert the lightning bug discovers the power of choices to help him stay focused while getting ready for school. Read along to see how he uses choices to help his classmates clean up and ask for help instead of fighting. Sara, Shubert’s Mom, models ways for adults to offer two positive choices to help children increase their attention span, follow through on a task, and improve their self-esteem.

THIS BOOK IS ALSO AVAILABLE IN SPANISH: Click here to purchase the Spanish version: La Decision de Shubert

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Shubert Rants and Raves

When Shubert tries to avoid the consequences of his actions, Mrs. Bookbinder helps him discover how to take responsibility for his behavior and learn from his mistakes.

Watch as Mrs. Bookbinder enlists the class in helping Shubert calm down, then models setting the limit, following up with consequences, and offering empathy so Shubert can take responsibility for his behavior.

THIS BOOK IS ALSO AVAILABLE IN SPANISH: Click here to purchase the Spanish version: Shubert se Enoja y Hace Berrinche

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Shubert's New Friend

When a new student arrives looking different, Mrs. Bookbinder models the skill of empathy to help the class welcome and accept diversity.

Shubert plans to lead his class in welcoming a new class member, but the warm welcome turns quickly into teasing, laughing and exclusion. Spencer, the new student, looks different from everyone else. See how Mrs. Bookbinder and the Bug Valley gang learn to accept diversity and also embrace it.

THIS BOOK IS ALSO AVAILABLE IN SPANISH: Click here to purchase the Spanish version: Shubert y su Nuevo Amigo

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Shubert usa su GRAN voz

Este encantador libro infantil muestra a los adultos cómo enseñar a los niños a confrontar a sus “bullies”. Shubert la Luciérnaga, nos demuestra que sus palabras son más poderosas que las manos que pegan o que los pies que patean. Shubert descubre que su voz tiene un gran poder cuando Benny, el “bully” del salón, responde a la nueva habilidad de Shubert usando sus palabras asertivas. Shubert brilla de emoción mientras le enseña a los niños que leen y escuchan este libro a usar su GRAN voz.

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Shubert brinda su ayuda

Shubert llega a clases donde una Lucinda muy enojada se desquita con todos. Todos descubren una manera nueva de ver esta acción como un “llamado de ayuda”, no solo un berrinche.

Shubert la luciérnaga decide que en este día será muy ayudador, ¡a como de lugar! Al entrar a su salón, encuentra a Lucinda aventando su mochila y pateando a Etta. Descubre de qué manera Shubert y sus compañeros ayudan a Lucinda a superar su problema real y encontrar una solución.

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Shubert es una E.S.T.R.E.L.L.A.

Cuando un enojo en clase desquicia a los insectos, la Señorita Bookbinder aprovecha la oportunidad para enseñar la estrategia de calmarse activamente e introducir el Lugar Seguro™. Shubert está teniendo un día desagradable, ven a la clase de la Señorita Bookbinder donde él aprende a ser “E.S.T.R.E.L.L.A.”, respirar como globo y a utilizar otras técnicas de manejo del enojo. Niños y adultos aprenden a crear y a usar un Lugar Seguro.

Ganador de un premio iParenting
Libro de pasta blanda

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Shubert Ve lo Mejor

Insultar es en enfoque de este libro. Acompañe a Shubert, Crenshaw y la Sra. Bookbinder a transformar situaciones hirientes en interacciones positivas.

Observe a la maestra Bookbinder cómo responde creativamente de una manera que enseña empatía, pensamiento critico, y responsabilidad.  Esta adición de la serie de Shubert ayuda a los niños a ver el comportamiento que lastima desde un punto de vista diferente, transformando situaciones hirientes  – “El es malo!”- a acciones serviciales y positivas.

Ganador del Premio “Parenting Media”

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La Decisión de Shubert

El ofrecer dos opciones positivas ayuda a los niños seguir instrucciones, concentrarse y crecer su autoestima. Acompaña a Shubert mientras descubre estas lecciones en casa y escuela.

Shubert, la luciérnaga, descubre el poder de las opciones para permanecer enfocado mientras se alista para ir a la escuela. Lee con Shubert para que veas cómo usa las opciones para ayudar a sus compañeros a decidir limpiar, y pedir ayuda en vez de pelear. Sara, la mamá de Shubert, modela maneras de ofrecer dos opciones positivas para ayudar a los niños a incrementar la atención, completar sus tareas, e incrementar.

Ahorra 20% al ordenar en paquete.

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Shubert se Enoja y Hace Berrinche

Cuando Shubert trata de evitar las consecuencias de sus acciones, la maestra Bookbinder ayuda a Shubert a descubrir cómo tomar responsabilidad de su comportamiento y aprender de sus errores.

Observa cómo la maestra Bookbinder guía a la clase a ayudar a Shubert a tranquilizarse, y luego modela el poner el límite, siguiendo con consecuencias y ofreciendo empatía para que Shubert tome responsabilidad de su comportamiento.

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Shubert y su Nuevo Amigo

Cuando llega un alumno nuevo que se ve diferente, la maestra Bookbinder modela la habilidad de la empatía para ayudar a la clase a aceptar y acoger la diversidad. Shubert planea dirigir a su salón de clases en la bienvenida de un nuevo miembro, pero la cálida bienvenida se convierte rápidamente en burlas, risas y segregación. Spencer, el nuevo alumno, se ve muy diferente de los demás. Descubre cómo la maestra Bookbinder y la pandilla del valle de los insectos aprenden a aceptar y a acoger la diversidad.

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Safe Place Poster Set

Social-emotional success starts with self-regulation. This set of 4 (11.25" x 8.5" each) laminated posters makes setting up a self-regulation center, or Safe Place, in your classroom or home a breeze!

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I Choose Self-Control Board

Teach children strategies for self-control, and you’ll be amazed how quickly they learn to manage intense emotions.

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S.T.A.R. Breathing Tool

Teaching young children how to S.T.A.R. breathe is essential to composure and self-regulation. Children use this multi-sensory tool to take a deep breath in through their noses as they smell the flower and then blow the air out of their mouths to make the pinwheel spin.

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Brain Smart Choice Cubes

Roll the dice to select an enriching activity. Collectively these activities teach impulse control and lay the foundation for problem-solving and wise decision making. Individually, the connecting rituals enhance cooperation and motivation, and the active calming strategies foster self-control. Includes:

  • Two durable, colorful 4-inch cubes
  • 36 laminated choice cards including:
    • 20 I Love You Ritual choices to encourage connection
    • 16 Breathing & Stretching choices for active calming
  • Extensive instructions for use

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School Family Job Set

Reduce misbehavior, increase teaching time, build literacy, increase self-esteem and teach responsibility when EVERY child in the class contributes to its success. Includes a durable vinyl pocketed job board that hangs easily on your wall, 40 full-color job cards, a title card and three pages of specific instructions. For ages 3-12.

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Wish Well Board

The Wish Well Ritual provides a way for children to offer caring and empathy to each other. The Wish Well Board is a customizable tool that assists you in conducting this daily ritual in your classroom.

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I Love You Rituals

Create connections with 75 activities designed to strengthen adult-child relationships. These rituals increase attention span, decrease power struggles, and promote language and literacy whether in school or at home. I Love You Rituals build positive, lifelong bonds between adults and children.

A wonderful woman who lived in a shoe,
She had so many children she knew exactly what to do.
She held them. She rocked them, and tucked them in bed.
"I love you, I love you" is what she said.

THIS BOOK IS ALSO AVAILABLE IN SPANISH: Click here to purchase the Spanish version: Rituales Amorosos

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I Love You Rituals on a String

Keep the I Love You Rituals close to your heart wherever you go! We’ve put nine of our most popular rituals on a pocket-sized, retractable lanyard set so you’re never at a loss for words when a moment to connect presents itself.

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Skills on a String

Have you ever approached a tough situation thinking, "What am I supposed to do now?" Empower yourself with the confidence and language to handle any discipline situation with this nine-card retractable lanyard set. These cards are your shortcut to the transformational language, skills and powers of Conscious Discipline. Master the art of effective communication and conflict resolution with this colorful and convenient tool.

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Safe Place Mat

"Breathe with me." Remind children how to actively calm themselves with the S.T.A.R., Drain, Pretzel and Balloon breathing icons embroidered on this plush mat. The mat is a perfect supplement to your existing Safe Place, or use as a portable Safe Place!

24 x 20 inches. Machine wash cold. Line dry.

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El Círculo de los Bebés

Puede ser difícil encontrar la manera de tener tiempo individualizado para crear una relación profunda con cada niño en el salón. Sin embargo, los estudios muestran que el desarrollo óptimo de los niños depende de las relaciones sanas que crean con los adultos. Con el Círculo de los Bebés, tu proporción de adultos a niños puede disminuir a 1:1 mientras los niños reviven momentos de conexión con sus muñecos del Círculo de los Bebés.

Mientras vives el programa, ayudarás a los niños a crear patrones saludables para la autorregulación emocional, a desarrollar relaciones profundas, y un sentido fuerte de sí mismos.  Crea un ambiente de trabajo positivo y asegúrate de que los niños tengan un ambiente bajo de estrés y lleno de interacciones con este programa.

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Baby Doll Circle Time (1st Edition)

Research shows secure adult-child relationships are a prerequisite for healthy child development. Now your center can provide the necessary one-on-one connections without increasing staff burdens or staff numbers by using the revolutionary approach in Baby Doll Circle Time.

It can be hard to find the one-on-one time necessary to create meaningful relationships in a childcare setting. Yet, research shows optimal child development is dependent on healthy relationships with adults. With Baby Doll Circle Time, your ratio of 6:1 can drop to 1:1 as children relive moments with you while delighting in circle time with their baby dolls.

THIS BOOK IS ALSO AVAILABLE IN SPANISH: Click here to purchase the Spanish version: El Círculo de los Bebés

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Conflict Resolution Time Machine

How many times have you wanted to turn back time and redo a difficult situation? Now you can transform everyday conflict into teaching moments with the Conflict Resolution Time Machine. Bullies and victims, and other troubled pairs walk through the steps to conflict resolution on this large, heavy-duty, vinyl mat. Includes comprehensive instructions and situational examples to assist adults in providing children with effective guidance. Extremely effective!

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14" Lots to Love Baby

The multi-ethnic Lots to Love Baby dolls reflect the diverse nature of most classrooms and are perfect for conducting your Baby Doll Circle Time Activities.

Parent Education Curriculum

Customers who have already ordered a Basic, Standard, or Premium Parent Education Pack may order additional copies of the core Curriculum with approval.

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Stress S.T.A.R.

Breathe deeply and squeeze stress away with this calming tool. Palm-sized squishy yellow foam and instructive S.T.A.R. imprint make this a perfect addition to your Safe Place or portable Safe Place for older children (and adults). Also useful as a promotional item to motivate staff and parents. Front imprint features our breathing S.T.A.R. Back imprint says "Smile, Take a deep breath And Relax."

CAUTION: Choking hazard. For adult use only. NOT A TOY.

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CD Wristband × 35

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Bailey Bear

Lovable, huggable Bailey teaches children to ask adults for playful interactions that promote optimal development. Easy as LOAD, CHOOSE, PLAY! 21 activity badges safely stow in Bailey’s attached back pack. Big emotions require big love, and 12-inch Bailey has both love and helpful calming strategies to share. Children Velcro a Feeling Buddy feeling, I Love You Ritual or calming activity in place, and then enjoy the activity with Bailey, a peer or an adult.

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Greeting Apron

Support your daily greeting ritual with the new Greeting Apron. Start every day by sharing a special moment of choice, connection and attunement with every student. This simple process primes your day for cooperation, focus and attention.

Includes 100% cotton twill apron (black) with five clear pockets on the front for greeting cards, 12 greeting cards (four non-touch options), fabric pockets for additional storage, and a removable blue tutu.

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Active Calming Center

A disorganized brain is always disengaged from learning. The Active Calming Center guides children through nine physical and mental tasks that help them calm down and cooperate. Use as a precursor to the Safe Place™, a standalone brain break, a transition helper or an “anytime” calming strategy. Helpful for ages 3-12. Essential for those with special needs, autism and for active Pre-K and Kindergarten bodies. Integral to your rage prevention program.

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Kindness Tree

Want to encourage kindness and helpfulness in your home or classroom? Symbolically recognize kind and helpful acts with the Kindness Tree, retraining the brain to focus on positive behaviors.

Through this new focus, the Kindness Tree actually increases the number of kind and helpful acts that occur in your School Family or home family! The Kindness Tree puts the power of positivity in your hands with an attractive, simple and all-inclusive kit.

Includes one 12 by 18-inch tree (metal with magnets on back), 80 kindness magnets (10 each of 8 designs), detailed instructions and sample lesson plans for academic integration.

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Rituales Amorosos

Inspirado en el popular libro en inglés, I Love You Rituals, escrito por la Dra. Becky Bailey, El libro Rituales Amorosos ofrece más de 60 rimas y actividades interactivas con mensajes positivos. Estas actividades son culturalmente relevantes y en español.

Estos rituales incrementan la capacidad de atención, disminuye las luchas de poder, y promueve el desarrollo del lenguaje ya sea en la escuela o en casa.

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Conscious Discipline: Formando Aulas Resilientes

Cambie de “Has lo que digo” a “Ser el cambio que quiere ver” con las habilidades, estrategias y estructuras actualizadas en el recientemente revisado libro de Conscious Discipline. Este libro contiene toda la fuerza transformacional de los siete poderes y habilidades de las ediciones anteriores, más nueva información sobre el cerebro, nuevas estrategias, acceso exclusivo al portal de internet ¡y más! Perfecto para salones de clases desde maternal hasta 5to de primaria, y adaptable para todos los demás.

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Calming Pillow Set

Enjoy a decorative touch that’s as beautiful as it is useful with this set of four pillows featuring Conscious Discipline’s own  Safe Place active calming icons. These plush appliquéd pillows not only look fabulous, but they also help you teach children helpful breathing strategies, colors and shapes!

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Conflict Resolution Time Machine Desk Mat

With this little mat at your fingertips, transforming everyday conflicts into teaching moments just got a whole lot easier! The well-loved Conflict Resolution Time Machine is now desktop-sized so children can “step” through conflict resolution using their fingertips. Assertively handle name calling, teasing, pushing, distraction and other interpersonal conflicts with this durable and helpful tool.

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School Family Job Cards

Retire your well-loved, well-worn job cards and job header by purchasing this newly redesigned replacement set. The 41 job cards and "School Family Job Board” header card included in this set are nearly identical to the ones included with your original School Family Job Set purchase. For ages 3-12.

Pocketed job board and instructions are not included in this replacement set.

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365 Days of Conscious Discipline (Perpetual Flip Calendar)

Whether you’re new to Conscious Discipline or have been implementing it for years, this desk calendar provides thoughtful tidbits guaranteed to make a tangible difference in the way you perceive and respond to daily life.

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Pencil Pack (50)

Sold in packs of 50 mixed colors and mixed phrases only. Mixed colors are yellow, blue, green, pink and purple. Mixed phrases are "That was helpful," "It starts in the heart," "We wish you well," "Smile take a deep breath and relax," and "You did it!"

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There's Got To Be A Better Way: Discipline That Works

For use at home or school, this book reveals the secrets of shifting from negative, guilt producing patterns of discipline to teaching children life-skills and promoting self-esteem.

Children have changed. Society has changed. Adults must change how they discipline children to be effective. We cannot teach children skills we do not possess. This book uniquely and humorously helps adults uncover damaging beliefs about themselves and children. Learn how to use every conflict moment as a teaching opportunity. Acquire the strategies you need to create a problem solving community of learners. Transform aggression, stop power struggles, empower both yourself and the children. There is a better way! For use with ages 0-12. Paperback, 325 pages.

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Easy To Love, Difficult To Discipline

Exclusively for parents, master the principles of Dr. Bailey’s Conscious Discipline including the Seven Powers and Seven Skills so you can respond appropriately, rather than react negatively to discipline challenges in the home.

Focusing on self-control and confidence-building for both parent and child, Dr. Bailey teaches a series of linked steps to help families move from turmoil to tranquility. Learn how to stop policing and pleading and become the parent you want to be. With this inspiring and practical book in hand, you’ll find new ways of understanding and improving children’s behavior, as well as your own. English, Paperback, 285 Pages

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S.T.A.R. Hot/Cold Pack

Be a S.T.A.R with this reusable gel bead hot/cold pack that is perfect to soothe bumps and booboos. The front features the breathing S.T.A.R. and the back is imprinted “Smile, Take a deep breath And Relax.” This soothing tool is ideal as a manipulatable in your Safe Place, an addition to your We Care Center and a handy healer to keep on hand for life’s bumps and bruises.

Cool the pack in the freezer or heat it in the microwave to soothe insect bites, sore muscles, bumps, bruises, sunburn and other owies. This pliable vinyl star flexes easily to cover hurt elbows and knees. Buy multiples so you can keep one in the freezer, one in the Safe Place and one in the We Care Center. Complete instructions for care and use are included with each pack. Approximately 4.75 inches. Safe for ages 3+ with adult supervision.

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Conscious Discipline E-Course Participant Workbook

This Participant Workbook is a companion piece to the newly expanded and updated e-Course Conscious Discipline: Building Resilient Schools & Homes with Dr. Becky Bailey. The 150-page resource is a session-by-session guide that brings the course concepts to life with fill-ins, diagrams, discussion questions and next steps for educators and parents alike. It is recommended that every participant in the e-Course have a copy of this helpful tool.

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Routine & Responsibility Cards

Do your children have trouble remembering routines and following through with responsibilities?

Help them be successful with these sturdy 8.5" x 5.5" routine and responsibility cards. Young children learn best through pictures, so posting images is more effective than telling them what to do. These 30 cards offer helpful visual cues for everyday activities like putting away toys, taking care of pets, doing homework, and being kind to others.

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Daily Routine Cards

Knowing what comes next in the classroom routine helps lower stress and provides a sense of safety for young children. Displaying routines and changing the schedule is easy when you use these sturdy 8.5” x 5.5” cards. Illustrations include multicultural and physically impaired children.

This card set includes several pictorial descriptions of daily activities, such as snack, field trip, and work time. By placing the cards in any sequential order, it will enable children to learn and remember a specific daily routine. Set includes 23 individual cards with pictures and titles.

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Energy Stick

Turn your body into a human conductor of electricity and visually demonstrate that we are all linked together. Great tool to use when creating a School Family. The Energy Stick glows mysteriously and demonstrates circuits, conductivity and resistance. Works with individuals or groups of people, as long as you complete the circuit.

Available on backorder

Edúquelos con Amor: 7 Habilidades Básicas Para Convertir Los Conflictos en Cooperación

La ultima guía para la crianza, Edúquelos con Amor, ¡esta disponible una vez más en la versión en español! Enfocándose en el autocontrol y en fomentar la confianza para ambos, padres e hijos, la Dra. Bailey marca el camino para las familias a cambiar el conflicto a cooperación. Aprenda de cómo parar ser como un policía y  las súplicas a llegar a ser el padre/madre que quiere ser. Este libro inspirador y práctico empodera con nuevas maneras de entender y mejorar el comportamiento de su hijo, y también el suyo.

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My Friend Eepworm

Young children often have big emotions that may be hard to handle alone. The eepworm is here to help!

This adorable book and toy set introduces young children to the eepworm, a soft, squishy toy that can become a treasured comfort object and self-regulation tool. The accompanying story delightfully demonstrates how the eepworm can help children by providing comfort and companionship, no matter how they’re feeling. Children will love hearing the story and having an eepworm of their very own!

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Feeling Faces Stickers × 3

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Brain State Poster - Blue

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Brain State Poster - Red

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Brain State Poster - Green

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I Am Safe Card × 20

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Curriculum for Feeling Buddies

Feeling Buddies Curriculum Guide

Our Time Together

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Fill-In Routine Book - Set of 5 w/ Sharpie

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FB4F Quick Start Guide

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The Feeling Buddy Drawstring bag is used in several of our Feeling Buddy kits and includes the items below.

  • Large Nylon Drawstring Bag
  • My Five Steps Pocket Chart
  • Safe Place Poster Set w/ What Bugs Me
  • 2 Sets of Feeling Buddies
  • Large Fabric Pocket Board for Feeling Buddies or Large Pocket Apron

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Mini Feeling Buddies with Quilted Mat

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The Feeling is Bright: Self-Regulation through Rhythm and Rhyme (hardcover book)

In stock (can be backordered)

Potty Mastery: A Child-Centered Approach to Toileting

Moving from diapers to the toilet is the first of many milestones you and your child will experience together. How do you want that process to go? Potty Mastery is a shift from “potty training” to “potty learning” that empowers you to leave behind bathroom sticker charts and anxieties in favor of strengthening your child’s confidence and the healthy bonds you share.

In stock (can be backordered)

Sophie Doll

Sophie flies out of her top-selling board books and into your child’s heart in the form of a sturdy plush that’s sure to delight! This cuddly creature is the perfect companion to the Sophie series, as well as the Shubert books that feature her beloved big brother. 12" tall, hand wash only, safety tested for all ages.

In stock (can be backordered)

Shubert Puppet

Use this adorable Shubert puppet to capture children’s attention as you read aloud. Also great for individual learning, supporting language and literacy as children act out situations from Shubert books, and cementing the principles of Conscious Discipline.

The Shubert Puppet has an articulated mouth designed with both adult and child-sized hands in mind, moveable arms, a signature "S” light bulb T-shirt and bendable antennae. Shubert is sure to be a much-loved addition to your classroom, home, Safe Place or reading time.

  • 17" tall
  • For children 36 months +
  • ASTM-compliant
  • Hand wash only

In stock (can be backordered)

Safe Place™ Rug (4x6)

Enhance your Safe Place Self-Regulation Center with a cozy, new rug! Conscious Discipline’s Safe Place rug features eight vibrant feeling faces designed specifically for teaching and practicing self-regulation skills.

This soft, durable 4 by 6 foot short-pile rug is made from stain and fade-resistant nylon for easy cleaning and optimal use for years to come.

In stock (can be backordered)

Six Weeks of Success: Conscious Discipline Implementation for Preschool and Early Elementary

Equip yourself and your students with tools for greater self-regulation, cooperation, belonging, and resilience!

 Six Weeks of Success takes the guesswork out of Conscious Discipline implementation in preschool, Head Start, and the early years of elementary school. It provides actionable steps to create a positive school climate, decrease behavioral issues, and set the stage for the optimal growth of the children in your care.

This practical educational guide centers around a 6-week plan that serves as a roadmap for Conscious Discipline implementation. It also includes supporting charts, tips, summaries, and reproducible templates. Together, these resources target individual educators’ growth, while helping to unify implementation across multiple classrooms.

Whether you’re just starting out or are well into your implementation journey, Six Weeks of Success is your roadmap for creating an educational culture of connection and achievement!

In stock (can be backordered)

14" Lots to Love Baby

The multi-ethnic Lots to Love Baby dolls reflect the diverse nature of most classrooms and are perfect for conducting your Baby Doll Circle Time Activities.

14" Lots to Love Baby

The multi-ethnic Lots to Love Baby dolls reflect the diverse nature of most classrooms and are perfect for conducting your Baby Doll Circle Time Activities.

14" Lots to Love Baby

The multi-ethnic Lots to Love Baby dolls reflect the diverse nature of most classrooms and are perfect for conducting your Baby Doll Circle Time Activities.

Curriculum for Feeling Buddies

Feeling Buddies Curriculum Guide

Available on backorder

Add To Quote
SKU: AP101 Category:


For internal use only

Additional information

Weight 50 oz
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 12 in
SKU: AP101 Category:

Managing Emotional Mayhem ©


Administrators, Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional

Ayudando a mis Feeling Buddies


Book, Physical Product



Age Range

3-5 Years Old, 2nd-3rd Grade, 4th-5th Grade


Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional

Sophie's Super Splendid Box of Books


Bundle, Book, Physical Product



Age Range

Infant/Toddler, 3-5 Years Old, Adults


Administrators, Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional


Value Pack

La Gran Caja de Libros de Sophie


Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional


Value Pack

Seven Skills Poster Set


Posters, Physical Product



Age Range

3-5 Years Old, 2nd-3rd Grade, 4th-5th Grade, Adults


Administrators, Parents, Mental Health Professional



I Love You Rituals Poster Set


Posters, Physical Product



Age Range

Infant/Toddler, 3-5 Years Old, 2nd-3rd Grade, Adults


Administrators, Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional



Shubert usa su GRAN voz

Age Range

2nd-3rd Grade, 4th-5th Grade, All Ages


Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional

Shubert brinda su ayuda

Age Range

2nd-3rd Grade, 4th-5th Grade, All Ages


Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional

Shubert es una E.S.T.R.E.L.L.A.

Age Range

2nd-3rd Grade, 4th-5th Grade, All Ages


Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional

Shubert Ve lo Mejor


Book, Physical Product



Age Range

2nd-3rd Grade, 4th-5th Grade, All Ages


Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional

La Decisión de Shubert


Book, Physical Product



Age Range

2nd-3rd Grade, 4th-5th Grade, All Ages


Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional

Shubert se Enoja y Hace Berrinche



Age Range

2nd-3rd Grade, 4th-5th Grade, All Ages


Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional

Shubert y su Nuevo Amigo

Age Range

2nd-3rd Grade, 4th-5th Grade, All Ages


Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional

Safe Place Poster Set


Physical Product



Age Range

3-5 Years Old, 2nd-3rd Grade, 4th-5th Grade, All Ages


Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional



I Choose Self-Control Board


Administrators, Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional



School Family Job Set

Age Range

3-5 Years Old, 2nd-3rd Grade, 4th-5th Grade, Adults


Administrators, Teachers



Wish Well Board

Age Range

Infant/Toddler, 3-5 Years Old, 2nd-3rd Grade, 4th-5th Grade, All Ages, Adults


Administrators, Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional



Safe Place Mat


Physical Product



Age Range

Infant/Toddler, 3-5 Years Old, 2nd-3rd Grade, All Ages


Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional



El Círculo de los Bebés


Book, Curriculum, Physical Product



Age Range

Infant/Toddler, 3-5 Years Old


Administrators, Teachers, Mental Health Professional


Value Pack

Baby Doll Circle Time (1st Edition)


Book, Curriculum, Physical Product



Age Range



Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional

Conflict Resolution Time Machine

Age Range

3-5 Years Old, 2nd-3rd Grade, 4th-5th Grade, Adults


Administrators, Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional



14" Lots to Love Baby


Physical Product



Age Range

Infant/Toddler, 3-5 Years Old





Baby Doll

African American, Asian, Caucasian, Hispanic

Stress S.T.A.R.


Physical Product



Age Range

3-5 Years Old, 2nd-3rd Grade, 4th-5th Grade, All Ages


Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional



Bailey Bear


Physical Product



Age Range

Infant/Toddler, 3-5 Years Old, 2nd-3rd Grade, All Ages


Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional

Greeting Apron

Age Range

All Ages

Kindness Tree

Age Range

Infant/Toddler, 3-5 Years Old, K-1st Grade, 2nd-3rd Grade

Rituales Amorosos

Age Range

Infant/Toddler, 3-5 Years Old, 2nd-3rd Grade, Adults


Administrators, Teachers, Mental Health Professional, Parents

Conscious Discipline: Formando Aulas Resilientes

Age Range



Administrators, Parents, Mental Health Professional

Calming Pillow Set


Physical Product



Age Range

Infant/Toddler, 3-5 Years Old, 2nd-3rd Grade, 4th-5th Grade, All Ages


Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional



Conflict Resolution Time Machine Desk Mat

Age Range

4-12 Years Old


Administrators, Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional

School Family Job Cards

Age Range

3-5 Years Old, 2nd-3rd Grade, 4th-5th Grade, All Ages


Administrators, Teachers



365 Days of Conscious Discipline (Perpetual Flip Calendar)



Age Range



Administrators, Parents, Mental Health Professional



Pencil Pack (50)


Physical Product



Age Range

2nd-3rd Grade, 4th-5th Grade, All Ages, Adults


Administrators, Teachers, Mental Health Professional



There's Got To Be A Better Way: Discipline That Works


Book, Physical Product



Age Range



Administrators, Parents, Mental Health Professional

Easy To Love, Difficult To Discipline


Book, Physical Product



Age Range



Administrators, Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional

S.T.A.R. Hot/Cold Pack


Physical Product



Age Range

3-5 Years Old, 2nd-3rd Grade, 4th-5th Grade, All Ages


Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional

Conscious Discipline E-Course Participant Workbook





Age Range



Administrators, Teachers, Mental Health Professional

Routine & Responsibility Cards

Age Range

3-5 Years Old, 2nd-3rd Grade, 4th-5th Grade


Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional



Daily Routine Cards

Age Range

3-5 Years Old, 2nd-3rd Grade, 4th-5th Grade


Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional



Energy Stick


Physical Product



Age Range

2nd-3rd Grade, 4th-5th Grade, All Ages, Adults


Administrators, Teachers, Mental Health Professional



Edúquelos con Amor: 7 Habilidades Básicas Para Convertir Los Conflictos en Cooperación


Book, Physical Product




Administrators, Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional

My Friend Eepworm



Age Range

Infant/Toddler, 3-5 Years Old, K-1st Grade, 2nd-3rd Grade

Feeling Faces Stickers

Age Range

3-5 Years Old, 2nd-3rd Grade, 4th-5th Grade, All Ages


Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional



Curriculum for Feeling Buddies




English, Spanish

The Feeling is Bright: Self-Regulation through Rhythm and Rhyme (hardcover book)


Book, Physical Product



Age Range

3-5 years old, PreK, Kindergarten, 1st-5th grade, All Ages, Adults


Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professionals, Child Care Professionals

Potty Mastery: A Child-Centered Approach to Toileting



Age Range


Sophie Doll


Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional

Age Range

All Ages

Shubert Puppet

Age Range

2nd-3rd Grade, 4th-5th Grade, Adults


Teachers, Parents, Mental Health Professional



Six Weeks of Success: Conscious Discipline Implementation for Preschool and Early Elementary


Directors, Head Start, Preschool, Administrators, Teachers

Age Range




14" Lots to Love Baby


Physical Product



Age Range

Infant/Toddler, 3-5 Years Old





Baby Doll

African American, Asian, Caucasian, Hispanic

14" Lots to Love Baby


Physical Product



Age Range

Infant/Toddler, 3-5 Years Old





Baby Doll

African American, Asian, Caucasian, Hispanic

14" Lots to Love Baby


Physical Product



Age Range

Infant/Toddler, 3-5 Years Old





Baby Doll

African American, Asian, Caucasian, Hispanic

Curriculum for Feeling Buddies




English, Spanish