Thank you for your willingness to fill out this survey. After each field is filled out and the form is submitted, you will receive an email with a discount code to purchase Jaden the Germ Blasting Superhero.

Age Range(Required)
For a full-color book containing original collage art and lyrics (24 pages), and drumming music digital album download (27 songs), with bonus literacy, art and music lesson plans, would you be more likely to purchase:(Required)
As a parent, guardian or grandparent, which appeals the most to you for a book about potty mastery (potty training):(Required)
Which product appeals to you more:(Required)
How much would you be willing to pay for a 4x6 I Love You Rituals™ circle time rug:(Required)

How much would you be willing to pay for a 6x9 I Love You Rituals™ circle time rug:(Required)

Which product appeals to you more:(Required)
Which item would enhance the value of a product more:(Required)


As a parent, guardian or grandparent, please rank the following options for purchasing access to a library of videos totaling 15+ hours of content containing core modules about each of the Conscious Discipline skills/powers, as well as subject-specific modules (with 1 being most desirable and 6 being least desirable).