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Access bonus content and resources referenced in the best-selling book by Dr. Becky Bailey.
Shubert's School
Explore school-wide Conscious Discipline implementation room-by-room at Bug Valley School.
Shubert's Home
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Free Webinars
Browse free virtual broadcasts on core Conscious Discipline concepts, plus trending topics for parents, educators, and administrators.
Listen in to this bi-monthly podcast from Conscious Discipline creator Dr. Becky Bailey and special guests.
Video Gallery
Discover video success stories, coaching, product demonstrations and award-winning video stories.
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Discipline Tips
Browse frequently asked questions on a wide range of topics supporting parents, educators and administrators.
Printable Posters, Tools & Activities
Discover posters, tools and activities to simplify and strengthen implementation. Includes templates and ritual plans.
School Family Songs and Chants
Brighten your classroom with songs and chants designed to foster connection and optimize learning. Includes album lyrics.
Shubert's Extension Activities
Promote literacy and healthy social skills using planning guides, discussion points and worksheets with our Shubert books.
Spanish Resources
Access some of our most popular free resources in Spanish, from Conscious Discipline chants to progress assessment rubrics.
Implementation & Staff Development
Find tips and guidance for implementing Conscious Discipline at your school, plus helpful evaluation and reflection tools.
Learn how Conscious Discipline complements various standards and frameworks, including Head Start and NAEYC.
Progress Assessment Rubrics
Assess your implementation of skills and structures and your use of the Conscious Discipline Parent Education Curriculum.
Browse Featured Resources

Visit Shubert at Home and School!
Practical, Hands-On Examples of Conscious Discipline StructuresShubert’s Home and School in Bug Valley offers practical, room-by-room examples of Conscious Discipline implementation. Discover tips, tools, videos and more that model how families, educators, administrators and helpers can put the principles and practices into action and bring safety, connection and problem solving to life.

Tools for your Parenting Toolbox
Free Webinar for Families
Video Gallery
Success Stories, Coaching, and Product Demonstrations
Printable: Potty Routines for the Potty Mastery: A Child-Centered Approach to Toileting book

Articles: Teaching Kids to Use Their BIG Voice
Assertive Voice Pointers
Printable: Teddy Bear Activity Board
Help Develop Decision-Making Skills
2019 Keynote: Healing Hurting Hearts – Trauma-Informed Strategies to Transform Behaviors
With Dr. Becky BaileyIn this keynote from the 2019 Elevate SEL Conference, Dr. Becky Bailey explains trauma, its symptoms, and what you can do to help trauma-impacted children feel safe and connected enough to learn.

Printable: Safe Place Breathing Icons
Support Active Calming
Reclaim Your Power with Assertiveness
Free Webinar about the Assertive vs. Passive Voice
Discipline Tips
Common Discipline FAQs
Printable: Story Hand
Respond to Stress
Lyrics: It Starts in the Heart Album
Character Education through Music and Movement
Spanish Resources: Como te Sientes?
Feeling Faces Help Children Name It & Tame It
Rubric: Crosswalk for Conscious Discipline and CLASS alignment
A professional development and program monitoring tool for teachers, schools and districts using CLASS