Knox County Head Start, Inc. (2016). Conscious Parenting Training Year End Training Summary Report. Unpublished research.

Knox County Head Start, Inc. (2016). Parenting Knowledge, Engagement and Training Year End Summary Report. Unpublished research.

Type of report: Research report, descriptive non-experimental pre-/post-test


The Knox County Head Start summary report shows the pre- and post- test results for their Head Start Conscious Parenting Training, which addresses the improvement of seven different parental abilities and skills. 27 parents completed all six training lessons in the fall and 31 completed all six lessons in the winter session. Knox County Head Start also reported on the participant satisfaction of other programs held throughout the year, such as The Magic of Connecting, Handling Your Toddler’s Fussing and Fits, and Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child.


Using pre-test and post-test surveys, 92.6% of parents participating in the fall Head Start Conscious Parenting Training reported a rating of 4 (most of the time) or 5 (almost always) and/or improvement in at least four parenting abilities/skills. 70.4% rated 4 or 5 and/or improvement in all seven key parenting abilities/skills. For the winter session, parents reported a 100% rating of 4 (most of the time) or 5 (almost always) rating and/or improvement in at least four parenting abilities/skills. 67.7% rated 4 or 5 and/or improvement in all seven parenting abilities/skills. Of the 58 parents that attended all 6 sessions of the Conscious Parenting training (fall or winter), there was an observed improvement in all seven parental abilities/skills categories. Parents feedback included greater awareness of how their internal state affected others (96.8%), feeling more connected to their children (100%), acquiring techniques for calming themselves before approaching a scenario with their children (87.2%), fewer aggressive acts (73.3%). 100% of parents would recommend this class to a friend. This report also shows positive findings for The Magic of Connecting training program, which 21 participants attended and reported a 5/5 rating for helpfulness in connecting parents with their children/newborn. Similarly, the Handling Your Toddler’s Fussing and Fits program reported a 4.8/5 rating for usefulness and provision of a better understanding for how participants should respond when children throw temper tantrums and helpfulness in teaching parents to cope with these scenarios. Lastly, the Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child training reported a 4.7/5 rating for providing parents with the training needed to understand why healthy sleep is important and how to help their children learn to sleep well.

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