Instructors by Specialization
- 4th-6th Grade Teachers
- Administrative Training/Coaching
- Bilingual/Spanish
- Childcare Administrators
- Classroom Coaching
- Early Head Start Administration
- Elementary School Administration
- Elementary School Teachers
- Foster Care
- Head Start Administration
- Head Start Teachers
- Infant/Toddler Teachers
- Kindergarten - 2nd
- Mental Health Professionals
- Middle School 6th-8th
- Middle/High School Administration
- Mission Expansion
- Other Areas of Specialization
- Parents
- PreK/K Teachers
- Preschool/Childcare Teachers
- School-wide Implementation
- Special Education
- Training/Coaching
- Upper Elementary - 3rd-5th
Jennifer Smith
Jennifer Smith has over 17 years of experience working in the early childhood field. Her experiences vary from research and intervention to direct classroom and home-based services for families and children birth-five. Jennifer holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the University of Iowa and a Master of Science degree in Child Development with a Specialization in Infant […]
Paola Salcedo
Paola Salcedo is an award-winning teacher specializing in Early Childhood and Bilingual Education with over 15 years of experience in the classroom. She has worked as a Conscious Discipline coach at a Title I school in Houston ISD since 2015, where she has successfully implemented bilingual parent involvement programs. Paola is currently pursuing a master’s degree in School Counseling. A […]
Lynn Young
Lynn Young has dedicated 30 plus years to educating children with disabilities. While she once taught preschool through high school, her passion is working with young children and their families. She spent 20 years teaching an inclusive preschool classroom that she designed to include children with hearing impairments and other developmental disabilities. She was a demonstration teacher and has served […]
Diana Brown
Diana Brown, M.Ed has been a professional educator since 1988. She has a B.A. from Arizona State University and an M.A. from Northern Arizona University. As a classroom teacher, she realized that managing student behavior was the number one concern of educators. The majority of classroom management systems had children asking, “What do I get […]
Abbi Kruse
Abbi is the founder and Executive Director of The Playing Field, an early childhood program serving children experiencing homelessness right alongside those from far more advantaged families. Prior to this role, Abbi served in a variety of ECE settings including the University of Wisconsin Preschool Lab, Head Start, and community based programs.
Nicole Mercer
Nicole Mercer is passionate about empowering parents and educators with skills and information that allow them to bring the best of who they are to classroom and home. She has been integrating and practicing the skills of Conscious Discipline in her personal and work life since 2003. Nicole was an early childhood teacher for 15 […]
Stephanie Holmes
Stephanie brings a wealth of international experience with children, having over 25 years of experience teaching primary and secondary students in Europe and most recently in Grenada. She loves working with vulnerable children as she brought Conscious Discipline to her children at school and at home as a mother of two. Practicing Conscious Discipline is a way of life for […]
Lina Paredes
Lina has been using Conscious Discipline as a professional in the field of education for more than ten years. Her experience working with children and families in the area of special education and regular education has equipped her with a clear understanding of the unique needs of both populations and the usefulness of the program.