Instructors by Specialization
- 4th-6th Grade Teachers
- Administrative Training/Coaching
- Bilingual/Spanish
- Childcare Administrators
- Classroom Coaching
- Early Head Start Administration
- Elementary School Administration
- Elementary School Teachers
- Foster Care
- Head Start Administration
- Head Start Teachers
- Infant/Toddler Teachers
- Kindergarten - 2nd
- Mental Health Professionals
- Middle School 6th-8th
- Middle/High School Administration
- Mission Expansion
- Other Areas of Specialization
- Parents
- PreK/K Teachers
- Preschool/Childcare Teachers
- School-wide Implementation
- Special Education
- Training/Coaching
- Upper Elementary - 3rd-5th
Kelsey Donnini
Kelsey Donnini has been a Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor since 2013. She holds a Masters Degree in Social Work as well as a Post Graduate Certificate in Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health, both from the University of Wyoming.
Kay Zastrow
Kay Zastrow brings to each training decades of classroom experience with children of all ages, including those with special needs and challenging behaviors. As a teacher with a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Special Education and Elementary/Middle School, Kay has practiced the skills of Conscious Discipline in her personal life and professional interactions within preschools, child cares, Head Start settings, […]
Helen Guda
Helen Guda is director of her own consultancy Develop to Grow, which is born out of a passion for the development of people and is based on a firm belief that human growth is the way to personal and collective success.
Barbara Landon
Barbara Landon teaches bioethics at St. George’s University School of Medicine in Grenada. She has been teaching Conscious Discipline in Grenada and in the Caribbean since 2009 and has been a CDCI since 2013. She is co-recipient of a Canada Grand Challenges Saving Brains grant, which aims to teach Conscious Discipline in Grenada to help prevent corporal punishment. She has […]
Anne Hoff
Annie has been implementing Conscious Discipline in her personal and professional life since 2008. For over 20 years she has worked in a variety of human service and educational settings including: public and private school settings, community preschools, community mental health centers and early childhood programs.
Elizabeth Montero-Cefalo
Elizabeth Montero-Cefalo graduated from the University of Miami with a Masters in Early Childhood Special Education and is a talented trainer who has worked extensively with special needs children. In fact, her special education classroom was recognized as a Conscious Discipline model classroom by Dr. Becky Bailey and the Miami-Dade County Public School District. Because Dr. Bailey recognized Elizabeth’s commitment […]