Instructors by Specialization
- 4th-6th Grade Teachers
- Administrative Training/Coaching
- Bilingual/Spanish
- Childcare Administrators
- Classroom Coaching
- Early Head Start Administration
- Elementary School Administration
- Elementary School Teachers
- Foster Care
- Head Start Administration
- Head Start Teachers
- Infant/Toddler Teachers
- Kindergarten - 2nd
- Mental Health Professionals
- Middle School 6th-8th
- Middle/High School Administration
- Mission Expansion
- Other Areas of Specialization
- Parents
- PreK/K Teachers
- Preschool/Childcare Teachers
- School-wide Implementation
- Special Education
- Training/Coaching
- Upper Elementary - 3rd-5th
Bailey Smith
Bailey Smith is a wife, teacher and nanny to two young boys. She has taught Grades 3-5 in Title I schools for the last six years. Bailey attended a Conscious Discipline Summer Institute prior to her first year of teaching and is grateful that she was able to begin her teaching career with the program’s powers, skills and structures. She […]
Nicole Langston
Nicole Langston, an educator with over 17 years of experience and mother of four, discovered Conscious Discipline when she first became a principal. Nicole has worked as a Director of Early Childhood, principal, and elementary teacher while also leading Parents as Teachers, Gifted and Talented, Head Start and pregnant and parenting teens. She has an Ed.S in Education Policy and […]
Megan Shea-Bates
Megan Shea-Bates has over 10 years of experience in the classroom and in administrative roles, ranging from special education Pre-K to adults in diverse environments. She discovered Conscious Discipline as an administrator and has used those foundational practices to educate, train and coach parents, teachers and leaders.
Kelly Frazier-Wawire
Kelly Frazier-Wawire’s more than 15 years in education have been “a road less traveled.” Although she began her career in high schools, she transitioned to first grade after teaching in Bangladesh as a Peace Corps Volunteer. Most of her adventures and her greatest lessons have been learned in The Chicago Public Schools, where she’s been a teacher, an administrator, a […]
Tracy Skripka
Tracy Skripka is a Public School Counselor and a Licensed Professional Counselor. She has been instrumental in the implementation of Conscious Discipline school and district-wide. Tracy uses Conscious Discipline as the foundation of her school counseling program and her private counseling practice.
Carla Briezen
Carla Briezen has been working in the field of education in Aruba for over 20 years. Her aim is to introduce Conscious Discipline to as many people as possible and to be an example of living the principles of Conscious Discipline. Carla believes that adults and children alike can grow and live joyous, valuable lives founded on love instead of […]
Vanessa Zara
Vanessa Zara has over fifteen years of experience in education. She learned about Conscious Discipline in 2007 and has spent eight years providing coaching and training to her organization. She has also organized and led Conscious Discipline workshops for educators and parents.
Amy Niemeier
Amy Niemeier has been an educator for seventeen years and is currently in her seventh year as principal of Slate Run Elementary School. Amy holds her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Indiana University and Education Specialist degree from Indiana State University. After seeing the positive impact Conscious Discipline had on her personal life as a wife and mother as well […]