A major study conducted in 2013 assessed the effectiveness of Conscious Discipline. Scores from twelve scales were used to compare Conscious Discipline with non-Conscious Discipline classrooms.

The sample included 66 teachers (Conscious Discipline N=38; non-Conscious Discipline N=28), 1386 students (Conscious Discipline N=792; non-Conscious Discipline N=594), and 868 parents (Conscious Discipline N=532; non-Conscious DisciplineN=336) at 24 sites in three states over an 8-month period. Results were drawn from teachers, parents of the children and trained classroom observers. Below are the study highlights.

See the Full Study Here

Overall, compared to non-Conscious Discipline classrooms, the Conscious Discipline classrooms significantly:

  • Improve the quality of student/teacher interactions
  • Improve the social and emotional behavior of students
  • Improve the social and emotional behavior of teachers
  • Improve classroom and school climate
  • Increase student academic readiness

The following graphs depict the magnitude of these changes.

Impact on Positive Emotional Climate (Teacher’s Report)

Teachers who used Conscious Discipline reported a more positive emotional climate in their classrooms, in comparison to teachers who did not use Conscious Discipline.

Teacher's Report of Positive Emotional Climate

Impact on Positive Emotional Climate (Observer’s Report)

Observers reported a more positive emotional climate in the classrooms of teachers who used Conscious Discipline, in comparison to teachers who did not use Conscious Discipline.

Observer's Report of Positive Emotional Climate

Impact on Positive Behavior Management (Observer’s Report)

Observers reported more positive corrective discipline in classrooms of teachers who used Conscious Discipline, in comparison to teachers who did not use Conscious Discipline.

Observer's Report of Positive Discipline

Impact on Structures, Rituals and Routines (Teacher’s Report)

Teachers who used Conscious Discipline reported more use of structures, rituals and routines in their classrooms, in comparison to teachers who did not use Conscious Discipline.

Teacher's Report of Structures, Rituals and Routines

Impact on Social-Emotional Personal Development (Teacher’s Report)

Teachers who used Conscious Discipline reported greater social-emotional personal development, in comparison to teachers who did not use Conscious Discipline.

Teacher's Report of Social Emotional Personal Development

Impact on Child Social Skills Behavior (Teacher’s Report)

Teachers who used Conscious Discipline reported better social skills behavior in their students, in comparison to teachers who did not use Conscious Discipline.

Teacher's Report of Child Social Skills Behavior

Impact on Child Social-Emotional Skills (Teacher’s Report)

Teachers who used Conscious Discipline reported better social-emotional skills in their students, in comparison to teachers who did not use Conscious Discipline.

Teacher's Report of Child Social Emotional Skills

Impact on Child Social-Emotional Skills (Parent’s Report)

Parents of students whose teachers used Conscious Discipline reported better social-emotional skills in their children at home, in comparison to parents of students whose teachers did not use Conscious Discipline.

Parent's Report of Child Social Emotional Skills

Impact on Academic Readiness (School Readiness Total Score)

Students whose teachers used Conscious Discipline received higher school readiness total scores, in comparison to teachers who did not use Conscious Discipline.

School Readiness Total Score

Impact on Academic Readiness (Social-Emotional Domain of School Readiness)

Students whose teachers used Conscious Discipline received higher social-emotional domain scores, in comparison to teachers who did not use Conscious Discipline.

Social Emotional Domain Score

Impact on Positive Student Behavior

Observers reported more positive student behaviors in the classrooms of teachers who used Conscious Discipline, in comparison to teachers who did not use Conscious Discipline.

Observer's Report of Classroom Student Behavior