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Shubert’s Classroom: Time Machine and Conflict Resolution Mat
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Shubert’s Classroom: Time Machine and Conflict Resolution Mat
How to Use the Time Machine and Conflict Resolution Mat in Shubert’s Classroom
Conflict is an opportunity to teach missing executive of social-emotional skills. The Conflict Resolution Time Machine helps teachers and children with specific skills to transform hurtful acts into life lessons through the use of respectful, assertive communication. It is the hub of your bully prevention program.
There are four ways to introduce the Time Machine:
- During whole group instruction
- During small group instruction
- As students show interest
- When it is needed
Coach children in using the Time Machine as follows:
Step 1: Roll back time. Have the participants and the class (when applicable) roll their hands backwards signifying going back in time.
Step 2: Are you willing? Ask for willingness. “Are you willing to solve the problem so everyone in the class can learn helpful ways?” If willing, the victim stands on the “I don’t like it” side of the mat, and the aggressor on the other side.
Step 3: Breathing star. Be a S.T.A.R. Everyone Smiles, Takes a deep breath And Relaxes.
Step 4: Tree of hearts. Wish each other well. Everyone places their hands on their hearts and offers well-wishes to each other.
Step 5: 1-2-3. Focus on the goal. The adult and/or the class chants, “1-2-3,” and the participants respond, “Let’s do it,” to build unity.
Step 6: Sentence starters. Coach the children to use helpful words. Have the victim speak first using the sentence starter printed on the Time Machine. “I don’t like it when you ____. Next time, please______.” Help children reframe their thoughts to show how they want to be treated. Instead of, “Stop it,” teach phrases like, “Next time say, Move please, instead of pushing me.”
Step 7: Hearts and globe. Connect to repair the bond and show there are no hard feelings. Participants connect with a handshake, a hug, a high-five or other connection.
Chapter 12 of the Creating the School Family book details how to teach and use the Time Machine with children. The NEW Conscious Discipline Expanded & Updated book helps adults identify their assertive voice and use tattling as a teaching tool (the most common way aggressive acts are reported is through tattling). Shubert’s Big Voice is essential in teaching children assertiveness. Read it often and provide opportunities for children to role play problem-solving using the Time Machine in group lessons.
Video Examples: Time Machine and Conflict Resolution Mat in Shubert’s Classroom
Children with Special Needs: Mental Health Specialists Decrease Power Struggles, Holds and Conflict With Conscious Discipline
Children with Special Needs: Time Machine - Conflict Resolution in Special Needs PreK
Younger Children: Time Machine - Outside Conflict Resolution Moment in PreK
Younger Children: Time Machine and Conflict - Please Use My Name
Younger Children: Conflict Resolution in 1st Grade During Play
Younger Children: Time Machine - in 1st Grade
Younger Children: Time Machine - 1st Grade Conflict Resolution During Lineup
Younger Children: Time Machine - with Younger Children
Older Children: DJ Batiste - Former Gang Leader Teaches "Words Have Power"
Older Children: Time Machine and Conflict - Look At His Face
Older Children: Time Machine - Middle School Girl Learns to be Assertive at Home
Older Children: Time Machine - Difficult Middle School Child Learns His Words Have Power from DJ Batiste
Older Children: Time Machine - with Older Children who Re-do Conflict Moments
Older Children: Time Machine - Resolves Conflict with Crayons
Older Children: Time Machine - in 6th Grade
Photo Examples: Time Machine and Conflict Resolution Mat in Shubert’s Classroom
- Brain Smart Start
- Time Machine and Conflict Resolution Mat
- S.T.A.R.
- Picture Rule Cards
- Class Meeting
- Kindness Recorder
- Daily Routines
- Shubert Books
- We Care Center
- I Love You Rituals
- Job Board
- Wish Well Ritual
- Seven Skills Posters
- Safe Place
- Friends and Family Board
- Feeling Buddies Self-Regulation Toolkit
- I Choose Self-Control Board
- Safe Place Mat
- Safekeeper Ritual