Virtual Training – New St. Paul Head Start Program

With Kay Zastrow

This webinar entitled “There You Are! You’re Doing It….My Precious One” addresses the Care and Education of Infants and Toddlers. These sessions provide information on the Conscious Discipline® Infant/Toddler Brain State Model with a focus on Attunement, which supports a felt sense of safety at the Survival Brain State. A comprehensive look at the Emotional and Executive Conscious Discipline® Brain States, including the helpful DNA - Regulation Process is shared and practiced. Demonstrated is “Attachment in Action”, highlighting the need for the empathic connection and understanding that is essential to the development of Secure Attachment for successful relationships early on and through adulthood. The Skills of Composure, Assertiveness, Encouragement, Empathy and Choices are shared from an infant/toddler perspective. Included are structures, such as visual routines, as well as helpful language for each of these five skills. A Step by Step journey through the Baby Doll Circle Time Curriculum is shared and practiced, with an in-depth look at “I Love You Rituals” and other interactions that strengthen Social Play.

Kay Zastrow