Virtual Training – Inter-County Community Council
With Sue Dierks
This two-part virtual recorded professional development addresses sharing Conscious Discipline with parents in the first half. Participants will learn how to implement Conscious Discipline with parents in any setting with an emphasis on breathing to calm, and creating connection. The brain state model will be reviewed and explored in the context of supporting adult learning. Participants will learn practical ideas for sharing Conscious Discipline with parents in easy to understand language. The second half of the webinar covers a variety of Conscious Discipline resources and tools. Participants will learn how the resources and tools included in the session are linked to the 7 Powers and Skills in order to support self-regulation. The resources and tools covered include the Brain Smart Start, Baby Doll Circle Time, Shubert and Sophie books, Brain Smart Choices Cubes, Booger Bear, Kindness Tree, Kindness Recorder, Wishing Well, and Feeling Buddies. This session also covers how to support children in situations when the child is uninterested in the resource.