The Office of Head Start periodically publishes its requirements for early childhood programs in the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework: Ages Birth to Five. This Framework describes the...
Rain, J. S. (2014). Loving Guidance, LLC. Final report: Conscious Discipline Research Study. Intro brief: This study examined the impact of Conscious Discipline on social-emotional behaviors in early childhood...
March 2017 Dr. Bailey and company leadership met with the Office of Head Start and the National Head Start Association to strengthen ties and introduce the new Parent Education...
Jones & Lesaux (2013) Intro brief: This report provides an overview of three adult-focused programs for social-emotional learning: Conscious Discipline, Child FIRST, and the Chicago School Readiness Project and...
Knox County Head Start, Inc. (2016). Conscious Parenting Training Year End Training Summary Report. Unpublished research. Knox County Head Start, Inc. (2016). Parenting Knowledge, Engagement and Training Year End...
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