Arkansas State University. (2014). The impact of Conscious Discipline training on adult perception, knowledge and skills. Unpublished research.

Type of report: Research report, descriptive non-experimental pre-/post-test

Summary: Arkansas State University present their findings from a 2014 pilot study. Their findings examine the impact of Conscious Discipline training on 1) adult perceptions and responses, 2) student self-control, initiative, changes in attachment/relationships and resiliency, and 3) school readiness.

Evidence/Findings: Using pre-test and post-test surveys for 359 teachers trained in Conscious Discipline (CD), researchers found that teachers who had a positive disposition towards the impact of CD on student behavior before the training continued to increase their positive perspective as their knowledge of CD increased. Teachers who began with a negative disposition decreased in their negative disposition of student behavior as knowledge of CD increased. Researchers also found that adults showed a significant positive shift towards using the CD intervention in response to conflict after training. The findings also show benefits for students. 486 students across 22 Pre-K sites receiving CD showed a 21-22% increase in self-control; i.e. the ability to express and manage behaviors in a healthy way. They also showed a 31-32% increase in initiative; i.e. the ability to use independent thoughts and actions to meet one’s own needs, a 24-27% increase in the ability to promote and maintain positive connections with other children and adults, as well as a 31-33% increase in resiliency and a 3-11% decrease in behavioral concerns. Lastly, using the Florida Assessment for Readiness Success (FLKRS) and the Early Childhood Observation System for Social-Emotional Development (ECHOS), researchers found that 66% children exposed to CD (N=949) were considered “kindergarten ready” compared to 53% of those not exposed to CD (N=6133). Using the FLKRS and Florida Assessment for Instruction in Reading (FAIR)and 81% of children exposed to CD were rated as having at least an 85% probability of reading success, compared to 51% of children those without CD.

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