Results For: social stories

Story Hand

Story Hand

A Story Hand is a gentle hand massage accompanied by a personalized social story that helps a child deal with stress or anxiety. The story you tell will reflect a specific, personalized experience or concern for the child. This download contains a simple illustration that shows how to do a Story Hand. Age Ages 1 […]

dad reading with daughter

Teaching Missing Skills: The Power of Social Stories

“If your child keeps on hitting his classmates, he will get a referral and as a consequence can be suspended. Please talk to him so that he stops the hitting.” As I read this note a parent recently shared with me, a part of me feels complete frustration. Another part is full of compassion for […]

Dr. Valerie J. Parker

Stories From The Field: Dr. Valerie J. Parker Presents at the International Conference on Urban Education

Dr. Valerie J. Parker is passionate about working with others to improve the quality of education for underprivileged and historically marginalized students. She is deeply committed to her community and serves as the Education Committee Chair for the Howard County branch of the NAACP. She and a team of others focus on equity for Black […]

High School Kids

Stories From the Field: Embracing Conscious Discipline in a High School Essential Skills Classroom

Conscious Discipline’s reach has spanned world-wide for close to 30 years. With evidence-based, trauma-responsive practices, our clients have reported as much as a 45% decrease in negative behavioral referrals and up to a 50% increase in academic achievement! These numbers are due large in part to our incredibly skilled and dedicated educators who implement Conscious […]

CD instructor with teachers

Supporting Every Student: Improving Outcomes and Experiences in Inclusion and Self-Contained Classrooms

Supporting Every Student: Improving Outcomes and Experiences in Inclusion and Self-Contained Classrooms Now, more than ever, schools recognize students’ unique and varied needs, and are seeking to meet them effectively. The sheer number of IEPs, inclusion classrooms, diagnosed and undiagnosed concerns, and specific modifications is rapidly increasing, often leaving teachers playing catch-up. Diverse learners require […]

The Basics of the Conscious Discipline Brain State Model

The Basics of the Conscious Discipline Brain State Model

The Conscious Discipline Brain State Model reminds us of the brain’s three hierarchical needs: Safety, connection and problem solving. Times of stress and transition often see a spike in regressive behaviors, conflict and power struggles. Any time your family experiences an uptick in these behaviors, go back to the basics of safety and connection. Problem-solving […]

Keys for Successful Home Learning

Five Tips for Successful Home Learning

A few weeks ago, you guided children’s homework when they hit a rough spot. Today, you’re attempting to juggle the roles of lead teacher, school counselor and principal. As if your head wasn’t already spinning from all the other life changes, now you feel compelled to help children avoid brain drain on this extended “break” […]

My Conscious Discipline Journey: Taming Anxiety and Healing After a Natural Disaster

My Conscious Discipline Journey: Taming Anxiety and Healing After a Natural Disaster

My Conscious Discipline journey has been nothing short of life-changing. After Christmas holidays last year, our classroom received information on an introductory training for the program. My interest was piqued because the core beliefs aligned with my own. I quickly signed up for the training and ordered the Conscious Discipline book because I wanted more […]

Father with Son

Conscious Discipline Consequences: FAQs and Common Scenarios

This is Part Three of a three-part series on Conscious Discipline consequences. If you missed it, catch up on Part One and Part Two. In Part One of this series, we discussed building a foundation of safety, connection, and vital skills before consequences can be effective. In Part Two, we shared the three types of consequences, […]

A multi-ethnic group of elementary age children are laughing while their teacher reads them a book during story time.

Bridging The Worlds of Reading and Literacy

Bridging The Worlds of Reading and Literacy  Byline: Jenny Shannon Teacher, Conscious Discipline Action Team (CDAT) leader, and longtime Conscious Discipline Instructor Jennie Gries and children’s author Andrew Newman of Conscious Stories are some of the nation’s pioneer educators utilizing SEL practices to increase student literacy. Their unified belief in the value of teaching self-regulation, […]


Reducing Test Anxiety with Social-Emotional Learning

Real Talk for Real Teachers with Dr. Becky Bailey and special guest Cynthia Robinson-Rivers Episode Summary In the United States, many of us have now lived through a decade of high-stakes testing. This testing costs an average of $1.7 billion annually per state, and students take about 18 major tests each year. The pressure on […]


Healing After a Natural Disaster with Conscious Discipline

Real Talk for Real Teachers with Dr. Becky Bailey and special guests April Carr and Hillary Spratlin Episode Summary Conscious Discipline is both trauma-based and trauma-informed. It emphasizes optimal brain development for all children and adults, regardless of life experiences like chronic stress and trauma. There are three types of trauma: acute, chronic and complex. […]


Practical Ideas for Visual Expectations, Assemblies, and Student Safety

Real Talk for Real Teachers with Dr. Becky Bailey and special guest Ali Kurt Episode Summary Although Conscious Discipline provides extensive coaching, resources, and support for schools, implementation is flexible and customizable. Practitioners shouldn’t hesitate to find creative solutions to school-wide problems through a Conscious Discipline lens. Once your staff understands the powers and skills […]

Real Talk for Real Teachers

How Pivoting from Punishment to Consequences Cultivates an Inclusive School Family

Real Talk for Real Teachers with Latoria Marcellus, Amy Speidel and special guest Kristin Chesterman Episode Summary: Kristin Chesterman is a deep believer that all behavior is a form of communication. Addressing the lack of skills in a student (or scholar as she refers to them) is the key to regulation success. As a Title […]

Real Talk for Real Teachers

It Takes a Village: Transforming Communities with Conscious Discipline

Real Talk for Real Teachers with Latoria Marcellus and Amy Speidel   Episode Summary Award-winning principal and Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor Tanyelle Hannah has seen the transformational power of Conscious Discipline firsthand at Benjamin E. Mays Academy in Chicago. Since implementing Conscious Discipline, her school has experienced improved relationships, behavior, attendance, academic achievement, parent involvement, […]

Real Talk for Real Teachers

Special Episode: Introducing your New Hosts

Real Talk for Real Teachers with Latoria Marcellus and Amy Speidel Episode Summary We’re excited to bring you this very special episode of Real Talk for Real Teachers, where we introduce the show’s new hosts Latoria Marcellus and Amy Speidel. Latoria Marcellus is a Conscious Discipline practitioner, a teacher and a mom. Amy Speidel has […]


Shifting from Controlling Behavior to Teaching Skills

Real Talk for Real Teachers with Dr. Becky Bailey, Julie Ruffo and special guest Melissa McComb Episode Summary Many classrooms and schools rely on systems of punishments and rewards, and these systems can be especially common for children with special needs. Punishment and reward systems provide external motivation to behave appropriately. They don’t teach social […]


Keys to Connecting with Relationship-Resistant Children

Real Talk for Real Teachers with Dr. Becky Bailey, Julie Ruffo and special guest Brooke Haberle Episode Summary Research shows that positive student-teacher relationships result in a more productive learning environment, improved peer relationships and increased academic achievement. However, the children most in need of connection are often the most relationship-resistant. Conscious Discipline gives educators […]


The Importance of Composure

Real Talk for Real Teachers with Dr. Becky Bailey and special guest DJ Batiste Episode Summary As a child, DJ Batiste didn’t have the skills he needed to behave or succeed in school. He was expelled from preschool and often kicked out of classrooms before becoming involved with gangs and increasingly serious trouble. During his […]

Creating Emotionally Intelligent Schools with Jill Molli

Creating Emotionally Intelligent Schools

Webinar: Creating Emotionally Intelligent Schools If you’re new to Conscious Discipline, it can be difficult to grasp what Conscious Discipline truly is. A concise, encapsulating statement is difficult! We can start, though, with what it’s not. Conscious Discipline is not a program meant to replace a current discipline strategy. Dr. Becky Bailey, creator of Conscious […]

Conversations with a Conscious Discipline Skeptic Part 3: Transformation

Conversations with a Conscious Discipline Skeptic Part 3: Transformation

This is Part 3 of a three-part series. Conscious Discipline takes an innovative approach to social-emotional learning. It asks adults to make a mindset shift and skill set upgrade before teaching children to do the same. By first guiding adults to become conscious, present, attuned and responsive to their needs and the needs of children, […]
