Results For: self regulation

Feeling Buddies

Feeling Buddies

40% of children are missing the most important skill for lifelong success: self-regulation. With the Feeling Buddies, you’ll teach children a five-step self-regulation process that helps them recognize their triggers, label their feelings and accept and manage emotions.

Safe Place Products Group Shot

The Safe Place

In the Safe Place Self-Regulation Center, children use research-based, developmentally appropriate tools and strategies to change their inner state from upset to composed. Only in this composed state can children access the higher brain functions needed to problem-solve and learn.


Leadership Annual Planner

We all know how quickly a school year goes by, and how easy it can be to overlook key elements of success if you don’t plan for them! Map your long-term goals and identify specific focuses unique to your school’s development needs with this straightforward Leadership Annual Planner. Download the easy-to-use fillable PDF with blanks […]


The Powers of Leadership

Those who are implementing Conscious Discipline know the value of the Seven Powers for Conscious Adults in our own self-regulation practice. Explore how to apply the Powers in positions of leadership with this resource full of tips, prompts and thought-provoking reflection questions specifically geared to assist leadership with deeper implementation and fidelity.      AGE  All […]

Feeling is Bright Lesson Plans

The Feeling is Bright Lesson Plans

Explore core concepts for self-regulation and wellness through delightful drumming, vivid collage and memorable poetry in The Feeling is Bright. These lesson plans enrich students’ experience with the content. To access this content, you must purchase The Feeling is Bright: Self-Regulation through Rhythm and Rhyme (hardcover book with digital download).

I Can Handle Scared – Crisis Events

I Can Handle Scared – Crisis Events

This printable book helps children manage scared feelings when a crisis event happens. Events like shootings, fires, tornadoes and war can trigger feelings of fear, regardless of whether they happen close by or far away. Families can use this book in the home, while educators can use this class-made book in school as well as […]

Conscious Discipline: Feeling Buddies Rubric. The Feeling Buddies Self-Regulation Toolkit is an essential piece in eaching children the 5-step self-regulation process that helps them recognize their triggers, label their feelings, accept and manage their emotions in helpful, healthy ways.

Feeling Buddies Rubric

Assess implementation of The Feeling Buddies Self-Regulation Toolkit on a four-point scale with this helpful rubric. The Toolkit is an essential piece in teaching children the five-step self-regulation process to manage their emotions in healthy ways. Age Adults Helps with Staff development Conscious Discipline implementation Emotional intelligence Social and emotional learning Self-regulation Problem solving Use […]


Crosswalk: How Conscious Discipline and FLIP IT Partner to Support Self-Regulation

This download aligns Conscious Discipline with the FLIP IT® strategy developed by the Devereux Center for Resilient Children. FLIP stands for Feelings, Limits, Inquiries and Prompts. The goal is to help children become emotionally aware problem-solvers with lifelong healthy coping skills, making the strategy an excellent complement to Conscious Discipline practices. Age Adults Helps with […]

Free Resource: Visual Shopping Plan

Visual Shopping Plan

When it comes to a child’s meltdowns in a store, the most effective remedy is what you do BEFORE you arrive at the store. Using the pages in this document, make a visual shopping plan and teach it prior to your next visit to the grocery store. Children think in pictures, so a predictable visual […]

FREE Printable - Rage Book

Rage Book

Do you have or work with children who experience the “yucky feeling” we call rage? These children aren’t “bad;” they just need to learn a better way to manage this big emotion. That’s where this book comes in! Children will learn to recognize the signs that rage is coming and create a step-by-step plan to […]

Elevate Breakout: Creating a Safe Place to Practice Self-Regulation

Breakout Session: Creating a Safe Place to Practice Self-Regulation

Develop strategies for coaching children through the five steps of self-regulation: I AM, I CALM, I FEEL, I CHOOSE, and I SOLVE, plus create a basic design for your classroom’s Safe Place. Session Facilitators Certified Instructor Jill Molli and Samantha Adams Age Adults Helps With Coaching students through the self-regulation process Creating a Safe Place […]


Empowering Educators for Life-Long Self-Regulation: A Transformational Workshop for Students with ASD and Caregivers

When we think of autism, our frame of reference can be limited to students with ASD in our school systems. While it is true that autism is an important topic of discussion in relation to thinking about how to teach children with autism, what is often overlooked is the effect that ASD has on adults […]


Self-Regulation Success with Rhythm and C.A.R.E.

There are plenty of noises one would expect to hear coming out of an I.S.S. (In-School-Suspension) room in an elementary school; a communal and steady beat on a hand drum is not usually one of them. Not unless you are at Ridgeview Elementary School in Liberty, MO, where Rob Leytham works. The C.A.R.E. room at […]


Safety (Self-Regulation): Papers Supporting Conscious Discipline’s Framework

Research Supporting the Effects of Self-Regulation (Safety) These articles explore the relationship between social and emotional learning and academic success, showing that child self-regulation and academic achievement are positively related. These articles delve into several promising interventions and research studies that show the importance of self-regulation and provide recommendations for how to improve self-regulation in […]

Head Start

A Conscious Approach to Self-Regulation: Knox County Head Start and the Conscious Discipline Program

Jones & Lesaux (2013) Intro brief: This report provides an overview of three adult-focused programs for social-emotional learning: Conscious Discipline, Child FIRST, and the Chicago School Readiness Project and Foundations of Learning (CSRP-FOL). The section on Conscious Discipline describes the journey of Knox County Head Start as it implements Conscious Discipline and creates meaningful improvement. […]

CD instructor with teachers

Supporting Every Student: Improving Outcomes and Experiences in Inclusion and Self-Contained Classrooms

Now, more than ever, schools recognize students’ unique and varied needs, and are seeking to meet them effectively. The sheer number of IEPs, inclusion classrooms, diagnosed and undiagnosed concerns, and specific modifications is rapidly increasing, often leaving teachers playing catch-up. Diverse learners require flexible, responsive solutions, whether they are in self-contained or inclusion classrooms. Teachers […]

Woman and child holding a valentine

It Starts in the Heart: Daily Rituals Fueled by Love

As Valentine’s Day approaches, it’s a great time to talk about integrating I Love You Rituals,  a meaningful, evidence-based practice into your home, classroom or school building.  I Love You Rituals help foster self-regulation and create a safe, connected environment for both children and adults, promoting emotional well-being and tools for problem solving. I Love […]

Teacher looking worried

Teachers STAY with Conscious Discipline: Four Solutions for Teacher Retention in 2025

The 2025 educational landscape is already presenting new challenges. Yet one thing remains the same: retaining talented and dedicated teachers is still a struggle for most schools and districts. Conscious Discipline, with its adult-first focus on social-emotional learning, executive function and relationship-building, offers innovative solutions that not only enhance the well-being of educators but also […]

Teacher clapping hands with kids

Head Start Leaders and Teachers: Five Essential Conferences and Workshops to Attend in 2025

We’re passionate about early childhood education and development at Conscious Discipline and the commitment the National Head Start Association has to families and children in need.  If you’ve been with us long enough- we know you are, too. 2025 is packed full of events, workshops, conferences and professional development opportunities designed to inform, encourage and […]

Burlington District Honored with the 21CCLC STARS Award

Burlington District Honored with the 21CCLC STARS Award for All-Around Achievement with Conscious Discipline

For 25+ years, Conscious Discipline has provided the foundation necessary for education programs to thrive. In the 2023-24 academic year, Burlington Community School District in Burlington, Iowa was honored with the prestigious 21CCLC STARS Award for All-Around Achievement. This honor reflects the district’s unwavering commitment to academic excellence and district-wide wellness, highlighting their success in […]


Fostering Self-Regulation in Self-Contained Classrooms

Real Talk for Real Teachers with Dr. Becky Bailey and special guest Katie Keller Episode Summary Since Dr. Becky Bailey started Conscious Discipline more than 25 years ago, it has played an integral role in supporting the development of children with special needs. Core tenets like safety, connection, self-regulation and social skills development are vital […]

Real Talk for Real Teachers

Changing Perceptions to Address the School to Prison Pipeline

Real Talk for Real Teachers with Latoria Marcellus, Amy Speidel and special guest Dr. Valerie Parker Episode Summary: Dr. Valerie Parker is an educator, administrator, parent and wife, and serves as the Education Committee Chair for the Howard County Branch of the NAACP. She’s a self-proclaimed “fierce advocate for black boys everywhere,” and her research […]

Real Talk for Real Teachers

How Pivoting from Punishment to Consequences Cultivates an Inclusive School Family

Real Talk for Real Teachers with Latoria Marcellus, Amy Speidel and special guest Kristin Chesterman Episode Summary: Kristin Chesterman is a deep believer that all behavior is a form of communication. Addressing the lack of skills in a student (or scholar as she refers to them) is the key to regulation success. As a Title […]

Real Talk for Real Teachers

Potty Mastery: A Developmentally Sound Approach to Toileting

Real Talk for Real Teachers with Latoria Marcellus, Amy Speidel and special guest Joan Morgernstern Episode Summary If you’re familiar with Conscious Discipline, you know that transformational change begins with an adult mindset shift. In today’s episode, special guest Joan Morgernstern explains why toileting is no different. An educator, parent coach, and author, Joan has […]

Real Talk for Real Teachers

It Takes a Village: Transforming Communities with Conscious Discipline

Real Talk for Real Teachers with Latoria Marcellus and Amy Speidel   Episode Summary Award-winning principal and Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor Tanyelle Hannah has seen the transformational power of Conscious Discipline firsthand at Benjamin E. Mays Academy in Chicago. Since implementing Conscious Discipline, her school has experienced improved relationships, behavior, attendance, academic achievement, parent involvement, […]

Real Talk for Real Teachers

Practicing Conscious Discipline as a Family

Real Talk for Real Teachers with Latoria Marcellus and Amy Speidel Episode Summary Conscious Discipline isn’t only transformational in schools; it’s also transformational within homes and families. Families who practice Conscious Discipline experience stronger bonds, calmer conflict resolution and more. To learn more about practicing Conscious Discipline as a family, join Dr. Becky Bailey in […]

Real Talk for Real Teachers

Feeling Your Feelings: Conscious Discipline in a Specials Classroom

Real Talk for Real Teachers with Latoria Marcellus and Amy Speidel Episode Summary * Trigger warning: This episode contains content concerning cancer, loss and grief. * Specials teachers, like those in art, music and physical education, often see every student in the school, but only for a short time. The question often arises, “Can these […]

Real Talk for Real Teachers

Oh, Shift: Shifting Your Mindset with Conscious Discipline

Real Talk for Real Teachers with Latoria Marcellus and Amy Speidel Episode Summary Conscious Discipline takes an adult-first approach to social and emotional learning. “Adult-first” means that we must shift our mindsets and upgrade our skill sets before we can effectively coach and model SEL for children. We create healthy mental models for the next […]

Real Talk for Real Teachers

Play and Connection from Age 4 to 104

Real Talk for Real Teachers with Latoria Marcellus and Amy Speidel Episode Summary In this episode, 2020 National Teacher of the Year Tabatha Rosproy joins new hosts Latoria and Amy for their Real Talk for Real Teachers debut. Tabatha is a Conscious Discipline practitioner and the first early childhood educator to be named National Teacher […]


Simple Steps to Self-Care for Educators

Webinar: Simple Steps to Self-Care for Educators What are your current self-care practices? Do you take time to look inward to see what’s driving your outer responses to what’s happening around you? What can you do to balance yourself when the world around us seems out of control? For many educators, burnout is at an […]

Strategies for Using Conscious Discipline with e-DECA

Strategies for Using Conscious Discipline with e-DECA

Webinar: Strategies for Using Conscious Discipline with eDECA: Maximize the Impact of Conscious Discipline Conscious Discipline has teamed with Devereux Center for Resilient Children to offer a system to assess children’s social-emotional health and resilience, monitor progress and customize helpful strategies for growth. The Conscious Discipline and e-DECA Assessment and Planning System allows early childhood […]

Candid Conversations: Managing What’s Beyond Our Control (Episode 2)

Candid Conversations: Managing What’s Beyond Our Control (Episode 2)

Candid Conversations: Managing What’s Beyond Our Control (Episode 2) Dr. Becky Bailey offers insights and problem solving for everyday challenges with special guests in the Candid Conversations webinar series. Kyndal Easter, this episode’s guest, shares her experience of being 39 weeks pregnant and an Assistant Principal for a primary school in the context of COVID-19. […]

Conflict Resolution and Assertiveness

Conflict Resolution and Assertiveness

Webinars From the Field: Conflict Resolution and Assertiveness with Older Children Conflict is a daily fixture in every classroom. It can feel draining, pull attention away from important tasks, and lead to unproductive competitiveness. But if you address conflict proactively and positively, it can become a valuable learning experience for you and your students. But […]

The Safe Place at Home

The Safe Place at Home

Webinar: The Safe Place at Home In moments of upset, we rely on our inner speech to help us regulate and manage our emotions. But too often, our inner speech aggravates the feeling instead. This inner speech doesn’t simply appear in adulthood. It’s built in early childhood as adults care for and respond to us […]


Guiding the Most Challenging Children

Webinar: Guiding the Most Challenging Children Encouraging and forming relationships with children who challenge us can be one of the most difficult parts of teaching. Often these children say hurtful things to others, frequently refuse to comply or join in and are sometimes physically hurtful to themselves or others in the classroom. Conscious Discipline asks […]

Webinar: How Conscious Discipline Aligns with National Head Start Standards on Parent Education with Jill Molli and Sue Dierks

How Conscious Discipline Aligns with National Head Start Standards on Parent Education

Webinar: How Conscious Discipline Aligns with National Head Start Standards on Parent Education with Jill Molli and Sue Dierks New mandates in the Head Start Performance Standards require programs to include a parenting curriculum. The curriculum must meet the criteria of being a research-based curriculum that builds on parents’ knowledge and offers parents the opportunity […]

The Company Story of Conscious Discipline

The Company Story of Conscious Discipline – Changing Minds & Shifting Hearts Around the World

The story of Conscious Discipline is the story of a teacher. This teacher, Dr. Becky Bailey, saw an education system full of hurting children and frustrated educators and knew that there had to be a better way. The result was Conscious Discipline, a trauma-informed, brain-based self-regulation program rooted in neuroscience, child development research and psychology. […]

Indian River Academy

This Teacher Heals Her Inner Pain and Transforms the Classroom from the Inside Out

When Sandra Therrell began her teaching career three years ago, she intentionally chose an urban, low-income school. Having grown up in this environment herself, Sandra wanted to reach children experiencing the same challenges she faced as a child. In her second year of teaching, Sandra began implementing Conscious Discipline. She started with the structures and […]

The Feeling is Bright explainer video

The Feeling is Bright: Self-Regulation through Rhythm and Rhyme

In this video, musician, educator and C.A.R.E. Room Supervisor Rob Leytham offers useful self-regulation tips and performs “Stop, Pause, Breathe and Think” from his recent collaboration with Dr. Becky Bailey and artist Jolie Spelman, titled The Feeling is Bright: Self-Regulation through Rhythm and Rhyme (hardcover book with digital download). This unique book and music combo […]


Evidence-Based District Success

Struggling with discipline issues, turnover and learning gaps? Conscious Discipline is an evidence-based, adult-first approach that improves every facet of teaching and learning in preschool through 8th grade. Conscious Discipline provides quality professional development and classroom tools you can count on to reduce challenging behaviors, increase teacher satisfaction and increase achievement district-wide. Solutions for Persistent […]


Parents In Prison Are Giving Back To Schools And Their Own Children

With the help of the Feeling Buddies and a local prison, the principal of a Missouri early childhood center with more than 700 referrals per year transformed her school from “drowning” to thriving. The community-based, pay-it-forward values embedded within Conscious Discipline encouraged the uncommon link between the early childhood center and the prison. The prisoners’ […]


Feeling Buddies Tips from Creator Dr. Becky Bailey

As a 2013 Finalist for the Association of Educational Publishers (AEP) “Distinguished Achievement Award,” the Feeling Buddies are traveling the globe, helping children and adults learn self-regulation. Witness first-hand how this curriculum can transform tantrums, backtalk, outbursts and other difficult behaviors into healthy emotional expression and cooperation. Instead of trying to make children behave, teach them how […]


S.T.A.R. Breathing Tool

Teaching children how to S.T.A.R. breathe is essential to composure and self-regulation. Children use this multi-sensory tool to take a deep breath in through their noses as they smell the flower and then blow the air out of their mouths to make the pinwheel spin. Ideal for ages 1-5 and those with special needs, this […]


Classroom Edition: Feeling Buddies Self-Regulation Toolkit

As a 2013 Finalist for the Association of Educational Publishers (AEP) “Distinguished Achievement Award,” the Feeling Buddies are traveling the globe, helping children and adults learn self-regulation. Witness first-hand how this curriculum can transform tantrums, backtalk, outbursts and other difficult behaviors into healthy emotional expression and cooperation. Instead of trying to make children behave, teach […]


How to Set Up a Safe Place – Dr. Becky Bailey Explains

Safety in schools is certainly a major issue in our society. Without a sense of safety, our brains are unable to learn or problem-solve. To address this challenge, Dr. Becky Bailey created a structure in the classroom called The Safe Place. For years, children around the world have used this vital tool in their home […]


Conscious Discipline Institute Woodbury, MN Summer Educator Event 2025

This June, prepare for a transformative experience with our expert presenters at the life-changing Conscious Discipline Institute, an education event in Woodbury, MN. Unlike typical professional development offerings, this week-long educator event is a powerful catalyst for personal growth and professional development. It’s an opportunity to enhance your skills and shift your perspective in a […]


Conscious Discipline Institute in Houston, TX: Summer Educator Event 2025

This June, prepare for a transformative experience with our expert presenters at the life-changing Conscious Discipline Institute, an education event in Houston, TX. Unlike typical professional development offerings, this week-long educator event is a powerful catalyst for personal growth and professional development. It’s an opportunity to enhance your skills and shift your perspective in a […]


Conscious Discipline Institute in Las Vegas, NV: Summer Educator Event 2025

This June, prepare for a transformative experience with our expert presenters at the life-changing Conscious Discipline Institute, an education event in Las Vegas, NV. Unlike typical professional development offerings, this week-long educator event is a powerful catalyst for personal growth and professional development. It’s an opportunity to enhance your skills and shift your perspective in […]


Conscious Discipline Institute in Cincinnati, OH: Summer Educator Event 2025

This June, prepare for a transformative experience with our expert presenters at the life-changing Conscious Discipline Institute, an education event in Cincinnati. Unlike typical professional development offerings, this week-long educator event is a powerful catalyst for personal growth and professional development. It’s an opportunity to enhance your skills and shift your perspective in a supportive […]


Conscious Discipline Institute in Madison, WI: Summer Educator Event 2025

This June, prepare for a transformative experience with our expert presenters at the life-changing Conscious Discipline Institute, an education event in Madison. Unlike typical professional development offerings, this week-long educator event is a powerful catalyst for personal growth and professional development. It’s an opportunity to enhance your skills and shift your perspective in a supportive […]


Conscious Discipline Institute in Kansas City, MO: Summer Educator Event 2025

This July, prepare for a transformative experience with our expert presenters at the life-changing Conscious Discipline Institute, an education event in Kansas City, MO. Unlike typical professional development offerings, this week-long educator event is a powerful catalyst for personal growth and professional development. It’s an opportunity to enhance your skills and shift your perspective in […]


Conscious Discipline Institute in Asheville, NC: Summer Educator Event 2025

This July, prepare for a transformative experience with our expert presenters at the life-changing Conscious Discipline Institute, an education event in Asheville, NC. Unlike typical professional development offerings, this week-long educator event is a powerful catalyst for personal growth and professional development. It’s an opportunity to enhance your skills and shift your perspective in a […]


Conscious Discipline Institute in Orlando, FL Summer Educator Event 2025

This July, prepare for a transformative experience with our expert presenters at the life-changing Conscious Discipline Institute, an education event in Orlando, FL. Unlike typical professional development offerings, this week-long educator event is a powerful catalyst for personal growth and professional development. It’s an opportunity to enhance your skills and shift your perspective in a […]


Conscious Discipline Institute in New Albany, IN: Summer Educator Event 2025

This July, prepare for a transformative experience with our expert presenters at the life-changing Conscious Discipline Institute, an education event in New Albany. Unlike typical professional development offerings, this week-long educator event is a powerful catalyst for personal growth and professional development. It’s an opportunity to enhance your skills and shift your perspective in a […]


The Feeling is Bright: Self-Regulation through Rhythm and Rhyme Audio

Explore core concepts for self-regulation and wellness through delightful drumming, vivid collage and memorable poetry in The Feeling is Bright. This unique book and music combo features a delightful hardcover with lyrics, learning and art for 12 compositions, plus digital downloads for all 23 songs and bonus lesson plans for teachers. To access this page, you […]

Feeling Buddies

The Safe Place

In the Safe Place Self-Regulation Center, children use research-based, developmentally appropriate tools and strategies to change their inner state from upset to composed. Only in this composed state can children access the higher brain functions needed to problem-solve and learn.

Safe Place Products Group Shot

The Safe Place

In the Safe Place Self-Regulation Center, children use research-based, developmentally appropriate tools and strategies to change their inner state from upset to composed. Only in this composed state can children access the higher brain functions needed to problem-solve and learn.

Elementary Age Room: Feeling Buddies Self-Regulation Toolkit

Feeling Buddies Self-Regulation Toolkit

How to Use Feeling Buddies Self-Regulation Toolkit in the Elementary Age Bedroom By elementary school, children are ready to learn the organized process Conscious Discipline teaches for self-regulation. The Five Steps of Self-Regulation are I Am, I Calm, I Feel, I Choose and I Solve. This process is discussed at length in the support materials...

Shuberts Classroom Feeling Buddies Self-Regulation Toolkit

Feeling Buddies Self-Regulation Toolkit

How to Use the Feeling Buddies Self-Regulation Toolkit in Shubert’s Classroom Self-regulation is the #1 skill required for future success. There is a big difference between feeling an emotion and becoming it. When we “are” an emotion, we react with no control over our thoughts, feelings or actions. Only when we feel and identify an...

Shuberts Room

Elementary Age Bedroom

An elementary age child’s room is the perfect place to practice self-regulation and responsibility. It’s a space where parents can guide children in creating a space that feels safe, comfortable and loved. Explore the Conscious Discipline strategies below to transform your child’s room into a space where celebration, connection, responsibility and safety help your child […]

Shubert and Sophie at Home: Annabelle's Room


It’s never too early to introduce a child to Conscious Discipline! Building attunement and attachment in the first few months of your infant’s life helps your little one develop self-worth, self-regulation skills, and a sense of safety and security. Click through the rituals and structures below for ideas on creating a nursery that helps your […]

Shuberts Classroom

Shubert’s Classroom

For 25 years, Shubert has shared his classroom with you in his best-selling book series. Enjoy exploring his elementary school classroom in all its glory, including the structures and tools Mrs. Bookbinders uses to help Shubert and his classmates’ achievement soar. Brain Smart Start Time Machine and Conflict Resolution Mat S.T.A.R. Picture Rule Cards Class […]
